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I wasn’t fooled for a second.

“Yes, you. Care to tell me now or shall I wait for the official complaint?”

Alder sniffed. He was an omega, like me, but a good few years younger. In fact, he was one of the most brilliant minds in the department. Except some people didn’t realise that. For some reason, it was still uncommon to have omegas working in STEM and even more uncommon for us to be professors. I had learned years ago to work hard and champion myself. Alder had learned to kick people in the balls.

I wish it was only figurative.

He worked hard too, for the record. And he championed himself. He just didn’t put up with the bullshit that some omegas did.

His lips were pursed when he finally answered. “I don’t think you’ll get a formal complaint.”

“I hope I don’t, Alder. You know what the policy is and you’ve had your quota for this year already.”

He glared at me. Alder Gatwick had an impressive glare. Fortunately, I was both his boss and his friend, so he didn’t frighten me.

“I said you won’t get a complaint. That overgrown worm won’t want to report what just happened, believe me.”

Sometimes Alder could overact to certain people trying – and failing – to intimidate him. Sometimes, though, people tried something else. After all, Alder was a handsome omega in his late twenties, successful, charismatic, smart – he was very desirable to a lot of people.

My stomach clenched as I asked, “And what did happen?”

“I made him cry.”

“What did he do?”

“He deserved it.”

“Alder,” I warned.

“He patronised me. So I patronised him right back. It’s not my fault that I’m much better at it than he is.”

I let out a sigh of relief. If it was just being patronised, Alder could handle that perfectly well on his own. “Fine. If anything comes of it, I’ll sort it.”

Alder grinned. “Thanks, Waggoner.”

“Just try not to make anyone else cry this week.”

“But it’s only Monday! You meanallweek?”

I was cackling as I logged into my computer. “Yes, Alder,allweek. I’m sure you can manage.”


He stood and put his own coat on.

“Do you want me to walk you down to the bus stop?”

“Nah, I’ve got some work to do before I go. Thanks, though. Are you alright going on your own?”

He snorted, and I ruefully realised that Alder wasn’t the sort to be intimidated by a mugger. One of our female colleagues had been mugged the week before and the usual ‘be careful and walk round in pairs’ policy had been issued to all staff, especially female and omega staff.

“Alright,” I said. “Just be careful.”

He patted me on the head and disappeared out the door like a whirlwind before I could protest about the head-pat. Alder found it hilarious to treat me like a kid sometimes.

I settled down to do some work and lost track of time. I’d only meant to be there for half an hour or so but it was a full two hours later that I looked up and realised I should get going. The busses ran pretty late to campus so I was ok on that front, but I didn’t like getting the same bus that all the students took into town for their nights out. It got loud and cramped and I was too old for that shit these days.

Leaving my office, I locked the door behind me and carried my bag over my shoulder. The corridors were lit by motion-sensor lights, so it wasn’t a problem getting through the building. Outside, though, it was surprisingly dark.
