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Taking a deep breath, I tried to get myself under control. I had a job to do here. And my omega behind me just talked on and on with a sort of sultry determination that made me wonder if I was the victim of a huge cosmic prank.

Seriously, he didn’t know what he was doing to me here. I tried to concentrate on my hands but my fingers were clumsy. I nearly dropped the screwdriver when Waggoner said something about velocity that sounded truly filthy.

It was all I could do not to start grinding my hips forward and I managed to get the final screws in place and tighten them, letting my arousal course through my body and letting Waggoner’s private lecture for me turn me on.

At last, I finished tightening the last screw and stood. Waggoner paused. I wanted to tell him to keep going and just push my jeans down and jerk off in front of him. The thought of touching myself while my omega watched with passion in his eyes made my cock throb. To do that while he watched… to touch him while I stroked myself… or to rub against him and get us both off, stroking my big hand around both of our hard dicks…

“Back in a minute,” I said, and rushed out of the room.

I caught sight of Waggoner’s startled expression as I shot past him and I realised what an idiot I must look, but I had to keep my hips angled away from him and I was right on the edge of breaking point. Another thirty seconds and I would have rubbed my palm over my groin and groaned like I was in a porno.

I slammed into the bathroom and a distant part of my brain registered that I’d spent more time jacking off in bathrooms since I met Waggoner than I’d ever thought possible.

At least this bathroom was nice. I leaned back against the door and shoved my jeans down so they pooled around my ankles. I’d been worried my pre-come was showing through because I could feel it leaking out in a steady stream. My boxers were soaked and I shoved them down, too, a sticky dark patch right across the front.

As soon as my dick sprang free, my hand was on it. I squeezed it tightly and rubbed, too turned on for any kind of finesse. It was fast and hard. I jerked like I was in a race, chasing my orgasm and tugging on my sack with the other hand.

It didn’t take long. I shot off after barely a minute, covering my own hand with come and panting hard.

I leaned against the door for another minute, coming down from my high and stroking my dick slowly until I was too sensitive and had to let go. Inside my chest, two feelings warred. One was the happy afterglow feeling of a good orgasm and the other was the disappointed loneliness of having yet another orgasm alone. What I wouldn’t give to have Waggoner actuallywithme when I came. To have him beneath me or riding me, to have him pressed close against me even…

I stood upright and kicked my jeans off so I could take my boxers off, too. They were too sticky to put back on. Ew.

I cleaned up and slid back into my jeans commando, shoving my boxers in the laundry basket in the corner. I’d do the laundry later, so Waggoner would never know.

As I left the bathroom, I tried not to look guilty. I just wasn’t sure he would appreciate knowing that the alpha he’d let into his home was perving over his hot body and his sexy brain.

Chapter 12: Liam

The next day, I decided that I would go to my lectures as normal. Yesterday’s debacle had taught me that I couldn’t be trusted to listen to Waggoner speaking like a platonic adult friend and I didn’t want him to catch me rubbing one out in his apartment, so that left me with… not rubbing one out?

The more time I spent around him, the more Waggoner got to me. It wasn’t just the fact that he was clever and sexy any longer – though he was – it was that he was quite sweet, too. He was an intriguing mixture of assertive and shy. He wasn’t afraid to fight a mugger in the dark and he wasn’t afraid to correct people when they failed to give him his due, but he went all unsure and nervy when faced with an alpha flirting with him.

Part of me wanted to believe that it was because he liked me that he got all nervous and shit around me. The other part of me was warning me not to read too much into it because I was going to get crushed by this whole thing.

Sooner or later, Waggoner’s wrist would heal and his bruises would fade and he wouldn’t need me around any more. Then I’d be redundant. I’d be sent packing.

I went to my lectures and brooded through them. My engineering lectures were really interesting. The professor was talking about the assignment we’d need to do at the end of the semester and I already had some ideas about how I wanted to approach it. I’d arranged to go and see her that afternoon to talk about it. I wanted to check that my plans fell within the realm of the assignment because I’d kind of taken my first idea and run with it, making it bigger and better. I needed to check it still fulfilled the brief.

My physics lecture, though? Boring as hell.

It was taken by another professor, Professor Gatwick, who was obviously nearly as brilliant as Waggoner and he talked with a lot of enthusiasm, waving his arms around and walking round the whole classroom as he lectured, peering over our shoulders at what we’d written and commenting on it. When he got to me, he raised his eyebrows at the blank page in front of me.

I didn’t even bother to make up an excuse. I just shrugged. Not like there was any way I could explain it away other than I was too dumb to know what he’d been on about for the last half an hour.

As I sat there and listened to him drone on about physics, I wondered why I wasn’t getting hard. Professor Gatwick was handsome enough, he was an omega, which was my preference, and he was smart. It was just that his voice wasn’t quite right. It didn’t have the same soft sound that Waggoner’s had, the one that could vibrate right through me and along my dick. He didn’t have beautiful silver hair, either, and his face was clean-shaven.

Basically, he was nice enough but he wasn’t Waggoner.

Damn. This was going to suck if I couldn’t persuade Waggoner that I was great boyfriend material. Not to mention, if I didn’t actually start understanding one word in ten that either of them said, I’d fail this class – again – and lose my whole degree.

That thought made me sit up and pay attention. I really didn’t want to fail. I wanted to get my Engineering Degree and move into industry. Coming up with innovative ways to tackle old problems – nowthatwas interesting. Unlike whatever sounds had just fallen out of Professor Gatwick’s mouth. I couldn’t even work out what he’d said so I could write it down.

“While it is worthy to try to construct axioms on which the laws of physics rest, the trite, minimalistic attempt to categorise all motion into trite maxims falls short.”

Sneaking a look around me, I saw that others were busy taking notes, which made me feel even more stupid. They weren’t having the same problems I was.

And now there was no gorgeous omega to distract me from my own inadequacies, it was starting to hit me with full force, how idiotic I’d been to take this class again. My whole degree hanging in the balance because I wanted to be in Waggoner’s class to get a free hard-on?
