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“What if I want you to?”

I lifted my eyes to his face. “Foxy, I will fuck you any time you want me to, day or night, and I’ll love every second of it.”

“This is a lot to take in.”

I grinned. “Yeah it is! My hot omega finally fucking noticed me. Wait until I tell the guys about this. They’ll have to eat their words because they said it was hopeless and yet I’m the one sitting here with my omega right beside me.”

A little frown crinkled his forehead.

“You don’t like that?” I asked.

“I just… don’t know how I feel about you telling everyone.”


My good mood deflated a bit. I wasn’t sure how to take that. Either he was a very private person and he didn’t want to share his personal life with people or he didn’t want everyone to know he was fucking me. A thread of insecurity rose inside me. Was it because I was too young for him or because I was a student or because I wasn’t smart enough? I know he said I wasn’t dumb and maybe that was true but I wasn’t exactlyhislevel of smart, either. His friends might think he was slumming it.

His soft hand against my cheek brought me back to the moment.

“Liam? Does that upset you?”


“Are you lying to me?”

“Well… do you mean you don’t want me telling the lads about how hot you are when you come or you don’t want me telling them we’re together at all? Like, we can be together but it’s a secret?”

I could hear the disappointment in my own voice and tried to wring it out so I wouldn’t influence his decision, but I could tell I wasn’t successful. When I’d imagined being with Waggoner, I’d assumed we’d be out.

“Do you want it to be a secret?”

“No. That sounds… temporary. I want a proper relationship with you. I want to tell my friends you’re my omega.”

“I like the sound of that.” He quirked his lips into a half-smile. “It sounds… permanent,” he said, mimicking me.

I breathed deeply, settling some of the unpleasant nerves.

He carried on. “It’s just my job, you see. I have a position to maintain. I’ve got to be professional. If the whole football team hears about my sex life, that could end badly for me. Especially being an omega. The Dean probably wouldn’t mind if it was an alpha sleeping with a student. In fact, I can name several alpha members of staff who do just that, on a regular basis, and nobody cares. But I don’t want to lose the respect I’ve earned because people know what I like in bed.”

“Just to clarify, you like my knot, right?” I waggled my eyebrows at him until he laughed. Then I gave him my proper response. “I won’t tell people the details of our sex life, foxy. I just want to be able to tell them I’m your alpha. I want to feelofficial.”

“I like the sound of that.”

We kissed, sealing our new relationship, making ourselvesofficial. Then I lifted him and carried him into the bathroom to clean up. I washed his come and mine off his skin, feeling bone-deep satisfaction from taking care of my omega – both from sexing him so well in the first place and looking after him afterwards.

Waggoner raised an eyebrow at me. “You look very smug.”

“I feel smug. I’ve got a lot to feel smug about, foxy. Don’t ruin my smugness.”

If he was trying to stop me feeling so damned proud of myself, he really shouldn’t have laughed like that, because making my omega laugh was only fuelling it. I could not have been more pleased with how this had all worked out for me.

Chapter 18: Waggoner

Iwoke to the feeling of being enveloped from behind in large, strong arms, and it took me a moment for my brain to process where I was and what was happening.

I was in my own bed, in my own room, but I was not alone. Liam was asleep behind me, and he’d spent the night snuggled up close. I knew that because I’d had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I’d been utterly trapped by his arms and legs, which seemed to be everywhere, holding me in place as his personal teddy bear. It had been a great shame to break out of his hold but I’d had to – nature called and I couldn’t hold it all night.

I’d wriggled my way out of his embrace and padded into the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the light in case it woke Liam. I could hear him snoring softly and it was a comforting sound. I found I liked it, knowing someone was there, that he was asleep in my bed.
