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Slapping my hand to my neck, I gaped at the blood on my palm.

“What the fuck?” I roared, spinning in a circle to find my attacker in the empty garden.

“Vampire,” Vento hissed, shifting in an instant and shooting into the gardens after someone.

I couldn’t follow him. My chest was beginning to feel tight and almost paralyzed, and I was struggling to draw breath. Sinking to my knees in the mud and snow, I fought the dizziness as it swept over me.

Cool hands reached down to steady me, leaning my limp body gently to the side on the cold ground as I felt sleep threatening to pull me under.

Had I been fucking drugged?

“Relax, wolf. It’s going to be okay,” a familiar female voice said. I tried to open my eyes, but they were so heavy. Footsteps pounded my way, but all I could do was listen.

So... sleepy...

“I couldn’t find them,” Vento growled above me. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Blaise. It doesn’t matter if you catch her. It’s too late.”

Their voices dropped low enough that I couldn’t hear them anymore, and then the fur of an animal tickled my mouth. Fresh blood dribbled between my lips - rabbit. I drank slowly, the dizziness gradually subsiding as I breathed easier, only to be replaced by the sudden grip of nausea.

My stomach heaved, and I rolled further to the side, vomiting up all the blood I’d just ingested onto the trampled snow.

I felt better afterward, though, and after a few minutes I managed to sit up, finding Blaise and Vento watching me with grim expressions.

“What the fuck happened?” I mumbled, my mouth and tongue finding it hard to form the words.

“Jillian. She activated your blood contract with Merden’s blood,” Blaise said in her matter-of-fact way, and my world fucking shattered.

“No...” I whispered, feeling all the blood drain out of my face as my heart pounded

An image of Kana’s beautiful face floated into my mind, and even as my heart beat with love for her, my hands clenched in rage and bloodlust.

My body began to shift into its ice wolf form, my nose already working to sniff out her scent.

The urge to kill Kana was suddenly like an unbearable itch under my skin, and I had to scratch it, or I’d fucking die.

I scrambled to get to my feet, but Blaise pressed against me with her considerable vampire strength.

“Take him,” Blaise demanded, gritting her teeth as she turned back to Vento. “I’ll figure out a way to break it, but-”

“He will travel with us into the mountains. He willobey me.” Vento’s alpha voice yanked at my attention, and my heart sank as I realized this was the only way.

My body struggled in two directions - to obey both the blood contract and the alpha bond. But as long as Vento was here next to me, his power would hold.

He could protect Kana from me and my reckless stupidity by keeping me far away from the palace. Far away from her.

Just like Valda had told Kana to leave Haret all those years ago, in order to protect her people - now, I had to leave Saori Sang in order to protect her.

I rose to my feet, sending Blaise a grateful look as Vento snarled a command at me to follow him into the woods

My feet struggled for a moment, trying to turn back to the palace, but the alpha command took over as Vento growled again, the low sound vibrating deep in my chest.

“Tell her, Blaise. Please,” I called back to her just before Vento ordered me to shift, and four other wolves took up positions around me. My arms and legs burst through the shift, my howl echoing around the garden as I left behind my person form, determined to live life as an ice wolf until we could figure out a way to break the blood contract.

Together, the pack bounded into the snow, streaking out of Saori Sang and deep into the Sans Cesse Mountains to hunt the source of the gobbelins.

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