Page 4 of Dante Beretta

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Tonight, I wasn’t the boring Navy who liked to sit at the front of the class.

Instead, I was the woman who Dante was going to ravish.

Over and over again.

And I was down for every second of it.




It didn’t matter what I did or how creative I was, there was just no way that I could hide it. I pulled it left and right, up and down, but still, I couldn’t cover it up. It was getting harder and harder as the time went by. But soon enough it’d be gone altogether and I’d have an entirely different problem on my hands.

No one had noticed yet, but luckily it had been chillier than usual. Only now the weather was staring to turn warmer, which meant the other girls in my class had started to wear less and less. And here I was with a big winter sweater on, already sweating my ass off, and I hadn’t even made it out of the air-conditioned house yet.

I puffed out a breath, my hair fanning around my face as I grasped onto the counter and stared at myself in my bathroom mirror.

My face was a little puffy, bags under my eyes, but there was a sheen to my skin. Maybe this was the glow people talked about. Too bad I felt like death warmed up.

One night.

That was all it took for my life to change forever. And now nothing would ever be the same.

My gaze flicked lower in the mirror as my hand rested on my stomach—my swollen stomach. Movement inside had my lips lifting into the biggest grin. There was no way I could deny that I was happy, even if I would be yet another single, teen mom. But that didn’t matter, not when I thought of the baby growing inside of me.

That was the sole reason why I hadn’t told anyone. By the time people knew, it would be too late. I’d made my own decision, and there was nothing that could happen to sway me.

I’d kept it a secret as long as I could, but now covering it up was damn near impossible. Time was ticking by, like the countdown timer on a bomb, and I knew it would explode in my face at any second. It was worth it though; it was all worth it.

“Navy! Hurry up, you’ll be late for school.”

My head whipped around at the sound of my dad’s voice, my pulse thrumming rapidly as panic thrust through me faster than a tsunami. He didn’t know what was happening to me. In fact, he was the one I’d wanted to keep it secret from the most. He wouldn’t understand. He wouldn’t get why I didn’t tell him that first day when I’d done the test.

“There’s no way I can be pregnant,” I told Zara as I swiped some hair out of my face with a shaky hand.

“Navy.” She raised a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re three weeks late. What else can it be?” She stayed silent for a beat, then shoved the box at me. “Just take the test before the bell for end of lunch rings.”

I stared around the girls’ bathroom. Three stalls, all unoccupied thanks to Zara barricading the main door so that no one else could come inside.

“But…” I bit down on my bottom lip, clutching onto the box like it was a lifeline. “What do I do if I am?”

Zara stepped forward, placing her hands on my shoulders as she stared directly into my eyes. “One step at a time. Take the test and then we’ll figure the rest out.”

“Navy!” His tone was even more annoyed now. “Come on!”

I pushed off the counter and darted into my bedroom. “I’m coming, Dad!” Grabbing my bag, I took one last look at myself in the mirror, wincing at my stomach and hoping the sweater would be enough, at least just for today.

“It’s a plus sign,” I whispered, not believing what I was seeing.

“Holy shit,” Zara gasped. “I didn’t think you’d actually be pregnant.”

I couldn’t look away from the white stick with the pink plus sign.

I was pregnant.

My hand moved to my stomach.
