Page 46 of The One

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“I didn’t mean it that way,” she said.

“It’s fine,” his mother said. “Rick needs someone to make him smile and live a little. At least he’s not buried by his work nonstop anymore. Sometimes I think it was worse than he said and we weren’t there to see it.”

“We can’t see much of it now either,” Robin said. “Which is why I go visit.”

He knew that. “It’s nothing like it was,” he said. “You all know that and why it was that way. This job is great. I told you they were very family-oriented. Most of the leaders are around my age or a little older. They’ve got young families and put them first.”

Something that drew him to accepting the job. He’d actually asked about the work-family life balance because they’d been big about saying they promoted it.

“That’s great to hear,” his mother said. “Gillian, what do you think about Rick’s empty house? He might not be working as much, but he’s still living like a bachelor. I was hoping you could change that along with his eating habits.”

“I cook now,” Rick said.

“You do?” Robin asked. “You didn’t tell me that.”

He didn’t think he had to explain everything to his family. Good lord. He’d thought it was funny when Gillian’s family did what they had hours earlier, but he didn’t find it funny now.

“Rick is a good cook,” Gillian said. “We haven’t gone out to eat once. We cook together all the time.”

When she said that, he’d felt horrible. Like he was some cheap guy who couldn’t take his girlfriend out rather than he was trying to be healthy. He’d have to fix that this weekend.

“I think that is sweet,” Robin said. “Brian and I cooked together early on too.”

“We still do,” Brian said. “Just not as often.”

“No,” Robin said. “I’m home more than him and I do enjoy cooking.”

“I don’t mind it,” Rick said. “I can’t say I enjoy it, but it’s not hard. And it’s not as much work as I thought.”

“I’ve been trying to get Rick to see that for years,” his mother said. “Now I feel better knowing he isn’t stuffing his face full of candy bars and pizza all the time because it’s easy to grab.”

Things he’d done for years too. He wasn’t admitting it though.

“I’m going to get some furniture too,” he said. “I thought I’d go out tomorrow and see what they had. Maybe Gillian wouldn’t mind spending the time doing that with me?”

She was spending the night, but they hadn’t talked about their plans. He wasn’t going to a mall or anything on Black Friday but hoped a furniture store wouldn’t be that bad.

“I’d love to,” she said.

“Oh my goodness,” his mother said. “Gillian, I’m not sure where he found you, but you sure sound like a miracle worker to me.”

“In more ways than one,” he said, looking at his girlfriend and laughing.


Without Judgment

Aweek later, Robin knocked on Rick’s door at lunchtime and then came in. He knew she was on the way. She’d had the day off and wanted to come visit. He’d actually expected her before now and was surprised they hadn’t talked much in the past week since everyone met Gillian.

“I brought you lunch,” Robin said. Bending down to pet George, she added, “I didn’t get you anything because Daddy says no table food for you. He’s doing better than us.”

Rick grinned over George hopping around his sister’s feet. His dog was growing into his legs for sure.

“Oh,” he said. “I didn’t realize you were going to do that.”

He looked at the bag in her hand. It wasn’t fast food, but it was close enough. A chain place that made sandwiches and soups.

“It was a last-minute thing. I should have asked what you wanted, but I got you what I thought you’d like. A turkey bacon avocado sandwich.”
