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I search my car looking for the deodorant I know is in here somewhere to try to disguise the smell of sex from me until I can get to a shower. Hopefully Bella will be too drunk to notice. Starting the car, I reluctantly drive to the bar where I have to pick her up. It is only a ten-minute drive from Alana’s place. I pull into a space outside the bar, seeing Bella standing with two of her friends who seem to be holding her up. I wish she wouldn’t drink so much because she can’t handle it.

I shake my head as I get out of the car. “Ezra, you made it.” She giggles.

“Yes. Come on, let’s get your drunken ass home.” I chuckle.

Her friends give her over to me. I wrap my arm around her, ensuring she doesn’t fall and get her into the passenger’s seat, buckling her up. She will be asleep by the time we arrive at my place.

“How did you get here so quickly? Your house is half an hour from here,” she asks.

“I was out.” I keep my answer simple.

“And who is the hoe you smell of?” she snaps.

“You are imagining things,” I insist. I don’t want to argue with her, and with any luck she will forget about it by morning anyway.

“Bullshit, but whatever, I don’t care.” She shrugs, turning away from me to stare out of the window. I don’t say anything else, there’s no need to add fuel to the fire.

Bella soon falls asleep, and I enjoy the silence for the rest of the ride. Once we get to my home I park my car, step out and head to the passenger’s side, undoing Bella’s seat belt. Scooping her up in my arms I carry her inside and straight to my bedroom.

I lay her down, stripping her dress off and pull the blanket over her. I will sleep in the spare room or on the sofa. I get her a bottle of water and painkillers, setting them next to the bed. I’m not tired, so there is no point in me trying to go to sleep.

I make a cup of tea, grab my cell and head outside to sit in the backyard and enjoy the peacefulness of the night. I sit on the stairs, breathing in the fresh air. I check my cell to see if there is any word from Alana, but there is nothing. I open a text to her.

I don’t like how we ended things tonight. Can we meet tomorrow? X

I don’t hold my breath for a reply because it is late, she may be asleep by now.

* * *

I’ve been awake for a couple of hours after only having three hours of sleep. Bella’s still asleep in my bed, where she will probably be for the rest of the day feeling sorry for herself. I am fine with that because it saves me from having to deal with her complaining about her headache.

I have been swimming, working out, and anything else I can do to distract myself because I spent the first hour constantly checking my cell to see if Alana had been in touch. It got to the stage where I felt pathetic and desperate. She can go to hell! I have better things to do than wait for Alana to contact me.

Hearing movement from my bedroom I decide that it’s my cue to disappear. I quickly grab my stuff and practically run away. Hopefully if I stay out long enough Bella will go home.

Coffee and a lemon muffin sound like a good idea to me. I drive the distance into town to my favourite coffee shop, happy to see it isn’t too busy because I can’t be bothered with people today. I place my order then head over to sit on my usual seat.

I take my phone from my pocket as I wait. There’s still no text from Alana. Fuck it! I hit the call button on her contact, and impatiently wait for her to answer. She finally does but takes her time before she snarls out, “What? There better be a good reason for whoever this is for waking me up at this time!” I’m surprised she was still sleeping. It isn’t like it’s early, it’s only ten o’clock in the morning.

“Good morning, sunshine.” I chuckle.

“Ezra. Why are you calling me?” She sounds tired.

“Because I said I would, and you never texted me back,” I state simply.

“Yes. Because I was sleeping.” Even though I can’t see her I know she is rolling her eyes at me.

“Since you haven’t read it, or if you did before you went to sleep, I will ask you on the phone. Can we meet? I don’t like how we ended things.” If she tells me no, then I am done.

Alana falls silent on the other end and then sighs loudly. “Is that such a good idea?”

It probably isn’t but I still want to. “Probably not, but I would rather us say goodbye better than how we did last night.”

“Okay, we can meet, but somewhere public because I don’t trust myself being alone with you,” she blurts out. The urge to say something smug to her is strong, but heroically I bite my tongue before I do because I don’t want her hanging up on me.

“You name the place, but you need to make sure it is somewhere we won’t get caught.”

“I will have to think about it and get back to you,” she answers.
