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“I am much better, thank you. I am going back to the office tomorrow.”

I don’t like lying to her, but if she ever found out I was having an affair she would be disappointed in me because that wasn’t how she raised me.

“Thank God, Son. I am happy you are better,” she gushes.

We chat back and forth for a few minutes. She catches me up on what has been going on the last week I’ve missed.

“Before I go, I need to tell you that you and Bella have been invited to a fundraiser next weekend. Your father and I have bought you both a seat at our table alongside Valerie and Adrian.” I can hear the excitement in her voice. My mom loves events like this, especially charity ones.

I want nothing more than to tell her no, but I can’t. Those seats aren’t cheap, but also my father will be on my back if I say no. And Bella’s parents wouldn’t be happy either. I can’t be assed with any drama. I will attempt to keep the peace, and with any luck, it will be the last one I have to attend with Bella and her parents.

“I look forward to it. Send me the details.” I disguise the disappointment in my voice, trying to come across as excited for my mom’s sake.

“I can tell you the details when you and Bella come for dinner on Sunday.” She isn’t asking, she is telling me we are joining them for dinner.

“Sure, Mom.”

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I let out a sigh and rest back in my chair as I run my fingers through my hair. The last thing I want is to have dinner with my parents, Bella, and her parents. Most of the dinner conversation is going to be the same old shit. When are you getting engaged? When are you getting married. When are you starting a family? None of those things are ever going to happen between Bella and I.

One day I wish for Alana to be able to sit next to me at the table at my parent’s house or for any events I attend. And maybe when it happens, I will happily discuss marriage and kids. I don’t want any of that with Bella. I never have and never will.

“Ezra, baby, are you okay? You seem stressed.”

I didn’t even hear Alana come in. I glance up and instantly smile when I see her standing there in my tee and shorts, her hair a mess. I love how she looks first thing in the morning, especially if she’s in my clothes.

“Better now you are here, bright eyes.”

Alana strolls over to my desk. I push my chair back. Reaching for her, I pull her forward to stand between my legs.

“What’s wrong?” she questions, climbing onto my lap.

I rest my hands on her hips. I might as well tell her now. We promised no secrets or lies.

I take a deep breath. “I just got off the phone with my mom. I need to go to dinner at my parents with Bella on Sunday. I also have to show my face at a charity event next Saturday, with not only my parents, but Bella and her parents too.”

If I didn’t have so much at stake or have my family’s business or reputation to think of, I would end things right now with Bella, but I need to tread carefully.

A sadness pools in Alana’s pretty eyes. “Oh…” Disappointment is evident in her voice. She hangs her head down, sighing deeply. I detest upsetting her, it is the last thing I ever want to do.

“Angel, I am sorry. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. Please wait a little longer for me—for us. I promise it won’t be much longer.” I rest my finger on her chin, tilting her head back, so her attention comes back to me.

I tuck her hair behind her head, sliding my hand down to her cheek, caressing it. “I would prefer it be you by my side at these things. One day soon we can stop hiding.”

Alana whimpers as she closes her eyes and moves into my touch. She kisses the inside of my hand. After a moment, she opens her eyes.

“Your parents probably won’t want me around or even like me after they know the truth. I will be a home-wrecking whore in their eyes, and I won’t blame them for thinking that.” She sobs, shaking her head, seemingly disgusted with herself and her tears run down her cheeks. I wipe them away. It hurts my heart seeing her cry. I don’t like it.

“Sweetheart, we don’t need to tell them the entire story. I won’t allow them to disrespect or judge you if they find out the truth. You can’t help who you fall for. Anyway, once they get to know you, they will love you and realize how amazing you are.”

I believe Alana and my mom will hit it off. If the truth does come out, it isn’t going to be easy for us, for our relationship, because there will be a lot of judgement from people in my world. It would be hypocritical of them, though, because they all have their own secrets too and only pretend to be perfect and live up to the expectations of our society. No matter what, I will protect her from it all. I will do anything for her. I would run away and start a new life with her if she asked.

Alana kisses me sweetly, and I smile into her lips. She pulls back after a second. “You don’t know that, Ezra. No matter what happens, I promise to stick around. It may be tough, but you are worth it.”

I hug her tightly to my chest. “We got this, beautiful. You belong with me, and nothing is going to get in the way of that,” I say confidently.

Alana trails her lips along my neck. “Please don’t make me wait too long. I can’t stand the thought of you and her. I hate the idea of her kissing and touching you,” she hisses, gripping my tee.

I am slightly taken aback by her sudden show of jealousy and possessiveness, but I like it. It makes me feel like she is staking a claim on me.
