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Sorry, sweetheart, Bella is here. I will talk to you later x

I hit send, and just as I do, I hear Bella return. I quickly hide my phone again, feeling relieved since I didn’t get caught but also frustrated because I need to keep my relationship with Alana a secret.

She sits on my sofa and pats the spot next to her. She rests her hand on my thigh once I’m settled and says, “I am glad you are feeling better, Ezra. I am sorry I didn’t come by, but I didn’t want to get sick, and you told me not to.”

“Me too. No, it’s fine. I told you to stay away. How has your week been?” I may as well make small talk while she’s here to help pass the time.

“Not much. I went shopping yesterday for a dress for the charity event next week. Did your mom tell you about it?”

“Yes, she did. And did you manage to find one?” I’m sure she bought multiple.

“I have three. I just can’t make up my mind. Maybe you can help me choose?” she says sweetly, batting her lashes at me.

“Sure. I can try.”

She will pick the opposite one from what I choose, so it doesn’t really matter.

Bella tells me about her week. So much for not doing much, she rambles on for half an hour straight. I just smile, nod and mumble a few words when needed.

“You have kept yourself busy then.”

“Yes, but I have missed not having you around” Bella inches closer to me with every word. “It isn’t the only thing I have missed,” she purrs, her hand travelling further up my thigh.

Fuck! How do I get out of this one? An idea pops into my head. I grab her wrist to stop her from going any further. “Babe, I know it has been a while, but my energy still isn’t great, but once it is, we can make up for it.” I lie, hating each word that comes from my mouth.

She huffs but pulls away. “Okay.” She doesn’t look amused, but I don’t want to fuck her, and not only because I promised Alana I wouldn’t.

“Sorry, sweetness,” I state simply.

“It’s fine. We should get out of the house because you have been in it all week. Do you want to have a late lunch or maybe visit your parents or something?” she suggests.

“Lunch sounds good,” I answer. I don’t want to see my parents, not today.

Bella kisses me softly and jumping to her feet, she offers her hand to me. “Great! Then let’s get a move on.”

I take it, and she pulls me up, stepping into me. She runs her hand down my chest, pressing her body to mine. “Hopefully later you will have your energy back, and we can have some fun,” she whispers seductively, then kisses my neck.

A moan involuntary comes from my lips. No, I don’t like it! I can’t help myself though because my neck is one of my sweet spots.

“Maybe,” I quickly say, stepping away from her. “We should go.” I head straight for the front door.

I hear Bella complain in frustration from behind me, but I don’t care because I am not having sex with her. The only person I want to be with is Alana, no one else. I need to make sure Bella and I aren’t alone too much. I dread the rest of the day because Alana will be on my mind, and that isn’t fair to Bella, no matter how shitty our relationship is.

* * *

Bella and I are still out. I should have been with Alana by now, but we ran into some of Bella’s friends. They decided the four of us could go for a drink, much to my dismay, but I didn’t want to say no and embarrass Bella in front of her friends. I have only met Jasmine and Dean a few times, which is enough because I don’t like them. They’re stuck up, annoying, and judgemental as hell. Bella and Jasmine have been friends for years. She has known her longer than she has known me. So I put up with them if I need to.

“What about you, Ezra? How is business?” Dean asks.

I keep my answer simple because I am not in the mood for small talk. “Good, thanks.”

Dean starts bragging about some multi-million dollar deal he has just signed. Once he is done with that topic, he starts talking about them buying another new home. They already have four or five in different states or countries. Dean and Jasmine are the type to flash their wealth and tell anyone who will listen how much money they have and what they own. I hate it.

I smile and nod, holding my tongue to stop myself from telling him to shut the fuck up. I glance at the time, see it’s already after eleven. If it gets much later there will be no point in me going to see Alana because she will be in bed soon.

Excusing myself I escape them to use the bathroom. I don’t need to go, but I want to give Alana a quick call. I stop in the hallway which leads to the bathrooms, making sure I position myself to keep an eye out for my companions.

I take my phone out to call Alana. I find her contact, hit the call button, and anxiously wait for her to answer. It only rings a couple of times before I hear her voice.
