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Alana and I are lying on the rug in front of the fire, naked with only a blanket covering us after making love. Oh, wow, making love. Those are words I haven’t used before, but that’s what it was. Everything about it felt different. The connection, the rhythm, and speed. The way our bodies reacted. We connected on a whole different level.

Alana has her head on my chest and her hand resting on my stomach. “I wish we could just stay here, like this forever and never have to go back to our daily lives,” she whispers, kissing my chest.

“I wish we could too, sweetheart.” I sigh, kissing the top of her head as I rub her lower back. I’d happily stay here if we could. I’d be a happy man and have all I need.

“One day,” she says softly, drawing shapes on my skin with her fingertips.

“Yes, one day. I promise.” I mean it, and hopefully, we can make it possible sooner rather than later.

For now, I will enjoy every second and every day I can get.

I stand nervouslyoutside Ezra’s business building. It’s a skyscraper with I don’t know how many floors. A modern structure composed of dark steel beams and mirrored glass. It’s intimidating. I take a deep breath, brushing down my black pencil skirt and making sure my white shirt and black suit jacket are sitting okay. I don’t know why I am freaking out this much. The job is already mine, this interview is just for appearances, but I still feel anxious.

I haven’t seen or spoken to Ezra since he dropped me off at the hotel yesterday afternoon. I didn’t expect to hear from him last night since he and Bella were at his parents' place for dinner. I was in bed by ten. I wanted to make sure I was refreshed for this morning. Seeing Ezra in a business setting will be strange because it isn’t something I have seen.

My interview isn’t for another half an hour, but Ezra mentioned there was a coffee shop on the ground floor, so I plan on stopping by there before heading up to the tenth floor, where he is based. I head inside, and not surprised it is just as fancy inside as out. People are rushing around going to where they need to be.

I need to stop by reception first to let them know I am here and get a pass, or I won’t be allowed to go any further. I approach the front desk, noticing a pretty brunette sitting behind it on a call. I wait patiently, not wanting to interrupt her. She comes off the call only a moment later.

“Hello. How can I help you?” she asks politely, smiling.

I return her smile. “Hello. I am Alana Goodman. I have an interview with Mr. Barclay at ten.”

She turns her attention to the computer screen. “Yes, I see you on his schedule. You are a little early. He is in a meeting at the moment, but please go get yourself a coffee. I will let you know when you can head up,” she says as she hands me a pass.

After thanking the receptionist I head off to grab a coffee. The line isn’t too long, probably because most people are already working. I order a latte and a blueberry muffin. Scanning the room to see where I want to sit, I choose a seat close to the window. Luckily, I brought a book with me to help pass my time. Sylvia Day’s “Bared to You”.

Taking the book from my bag I get comfortable and find the page I finished on last night. It will give me a little time to relax. I only manage to read a couple of lines before my cell vibrates on the table. Glancing at the screen I see it’s from Ezra. I can’t help the smile as his name appears on my screen.

Good morning, beautiful, sorry it’s late, but it’s been a hectic morning. I do have to say that I find the business look on you very sexy x

Wait! How does he know what I am wearing? I shoot my head up, glancing around me, but I can’t see him. Diverting my eyes upwards I spot him leaning over the railing two floors above me. He waves quickly, and I do the same back before he walks away.

Creeping on me from afar, uh? X

I don’t know if he will text back since he is busy. I set my phone back down, putting my attention back on my book. I become lost in it until the receptionist comes over to my table.

“Miss Goodman, Mr. Barclay is ready for you,” she states.

“Thank you.” I smile. Making short work of gathering up my things. I wrap my muffin for later and take my latte with me.

“Do you need someone to show you the way? He is on the tenth floor,” she asks.

“No, it’s okay. I will find my way, but thank you for the offer.”

She points me in the direction of the elevators. I stroll over and press the button. Luckily it’s already on my floor, so I don’t need to wait. I step in, hitting the button, and away I go. I rest against the wall, my stomach in knots on the ride up. It feels like it’s taking forever. It finally pings, opening, and I step out, unsure where to go. I stand awkwardly. Maybe I should have accepted the offer of someone showing me where to go.

A familiar voice comes from behind. “Miss Goodman?”

He must have been watching for me. I snicker at him pretending like he doesn’t know me before I turn to face him.

I smile sweetly, playing along. “Yes, sir, that’s me.”

“Great. I am Mr. Barclay. Please follow me to my office, and we will start the interview process.”

I nod, trying not to become too distracted by how good he looks in his suit. He is so handsome it causes my heart to speed up.
