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“You and me, bright eyes,” I promise.

Alana pecks my lips, and we concentrate on breakfast. The silence in the room is relaxing, and I enjoy it and our food.

“If you could stay anywhere else in the world, where would it be?” I randomly ask, breaking the silence.

“Hmm, Scotland is at the top of my list. I hope to visit it one day,” she replies.

I wasn’t expecting her to say Scotland. I thought maybe another part of the states or somewhere warm. I understand the appeal, though. It is a beautiful country.

“Why Scotland?” I ask.

“I fell in love with the country when I was younger. I have never been, but the beauty of it drew me in straight away. It is at the top of my list of places in the world I would love to visit or stay. It is stunning, and the people are supposed to be lovely too.” Her eyes light up as she talks about it.

“It is beautiful. I have been before, a long time ago. I will take you there one day, I promise.” I smile, kissing her softly. Hopefully, I can show her the rest of the world.

“One day,” she sounds a little hesitant.

“No, I mean it, my love. We will go to Scotland. I will take you there. We can see the world together.” I would happily travel with her.

I have been to a lot of countries, but mostly for business, so it would be nice to be able to spend some time as a tourist in other places.

“I would love to see the world with you, Ezra,” she coos, kissing me softly.

Our little moment is interrupted by my cell ringing. I should have switched the darn thing off. I don’t even bother to reach for it.

“You should check who it is, babe. I don’t mind,” Alana says softly.

I nod, reaching for it I see it’s Bella calling me. She is probably wondering why I haven’t been in touch.

Alana glances at my screen, seeing who it is she lets out a heavy sigh. “Answer it, because if you don’t she will keep calling until you do.”

I don’t want to answer, but she is right. I can switch it off once I have spoken to her. I answer the call.

“Hello,” I say casually.

“Hey, babe. Where are you? I stopped by your place, and you weren’t there,” Bella asks.

“I am at breakfast with a friend.” It is the first lie that comes to mind.

“When will you be home? I have plans of my own later. Will I see you before then?” I can hear the irritation in her voice.

“Probably not. I will just see you tomorrow after work.” I don’t plan on leaving this apartment today.

“Fine!” she snaps and hangs up.

I switch my cell off and toss it aside. I don’t plan on putting it back on until tonight when I am in bed for the sake of my alarm.

“Guess she is mad at you?”

“Nothing unusual there. She is always mad at me for one thing or another.” I shrug. I am used to it.

Alana kisses my cheek. “I promise not to get mad at you unless it is necessary,” she teases, poking my side.

“Aww, why not? I like it when you get mad at me because the make up sex is always amazing.” I smirk, nudging her.

Alana laughs loudly, rolling her eyes at me. “What are you trying to say? The sex isn’t as amazing when we aren’t mad at each other?” She cocks her brow, waiting for my answer.

I rest my hand on her thigh, caressing it with my fingers. “Of course not. It is always incredible, but there is something about make-up sex which makes it even hotter.”
