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He eyes me for a moment before answering. “Blue. Yours?”

“Purple. Favorite movie?”


“Eww! Gross. Mine isGentlemen Prefer Blondes.”

“Ah, a Marilyn fan, huh?”

“Ya. Favorite sport?”

“I’m not really into sports,” he says. “I like movies way better.”

I file that away for later and keep rolling with the next question. Or, I would have if I hadn’t noticed that I brought his hand up to my nose and was sniffing his wrist like a maniac.

I drop his hand immediately. “Sorry.” My chin dips to my chest.

Rook glances at me. “What are you apologizing for? You’re a wolf. You’re driven by your nose.”

I shrug. “It’s still embarrassing.” Especially to a non-wolf.

“What do I smell like to you?”

I’m still trying to work that out. He isn’t as strongly scented as wolves, so that makes it difficult. “You kinda smell like the stars?” Even as I say it, I know it makes little sense. What do stars even smell like?

I don’t know, but I know Rook’s scent reminds me of constellations and supernovae and the void of space.

Rook lets out a light chuckle. “That tracks, believe it or not. My sister and I have a celestial line of magic.”

I stare at his profile. “Celestial magic. What is that exactly?”

Rook gives me a half smile. “Stuff I shouldn’t be sharing with you so soon. Emilia will have my ass if she finds out.”

I can live with that. As much as I accepted this mate bond fully, I wasn’t ready to just pour out every one of my deepest, darkest secrets just yet. So, I continue with the twenty-thousand questions.

“Last name?”

“Corvus. Yours?”

My mouth drops open. “Stocklin, but you’re seriously telling me your last name is Corvus?”

He gives me a quick glance. “Ya. Why?”

“Corvus, Latin for crow. And Rook, which is another word for crow. Your name is Crow Crow?”

He grins. “Yeah. Most non-witches don’t pick up on that. But my first name is actually René. Rook is a nickname because René never felt right to me.”

“Uh-huh. And why is your family name Corvus?” I say around a grin while poking him in the ribs.

He only smiles back.

“You sneaky shit! Your family are crow shifters! Aren’t they?”

“Ya got me. But don’t tell Emilia you know. She likes to keep her abilities secret.”

I nod, already planning our treks through the trails with him flying overhead.

“Do you have anything like pack speak? Can you link minds with someone while in your crow form?”
