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They’d been slow to accept him—not as slow as Rafe—but ultimately Drago has become well-respected among the other pack members. He didn’t give them much choice. He could do the work of three wolves in half the time.

Are you having fun out there with Cliff and Simon and the rest?

I am. Your pack has quite the competitive streak.

“Hey, where’d you go?” Rook asks, searching my blank, internally focused features.

“Sorry, I was just checking to see if Drago and I could pack speak.”


I nod, grinning, and Rook hands me another pan to dry.

“What’s it like?” Rook asks, blue eyes alight with curiosity.

“For us, it’s like a direct telephone line into your mate’s head. I can thinkatthem and they can hear me.”

Rook nods. “As I understand it, mate links between witches are very different.”


Rook nods, scrubbing the hash brown remnants from the last pan. “Quite. Linking with a mate for us is like sharing their soul. It’s not just communication.”

“What does that mean, sharing their soul?”

Rook’s whole handsome face lights up with excitement as he tries to describe the phenomenon. “Mind you, I’ve never experienced it firsthand, but it’s like being bathed in the essence of your mate. Their hopes and dreams, their current mood and physical state, all combine into something like a warm bath of their vibe. It laps at the mind and heightens all the love chemicals already being produced.”

His description gives me tingles all the way to my toes. I definitely want a piece of that. “Do you think—”

He’s answering before I’d even asked the whole question. “I’m not sure if you and I will share that kind of deep connection. I’d like to hope we will, but it’s uncertain whether a wolf can meld with a witch in that way.”

I pull a frown so big it makes Rook chuckle. “I’m sorry, Willa. A wolf has never called a witch to be her mate before. We’ll just have to see how it works.”

I really hoped it worked for us. I couldn’t imagine anything better than being linked with Rook so deeply.

“Well, how do we do the link?” I ask.

Rook gives me a sheepish smile and runs a hand through his coppery hair. “Generally, it happens on its own, usually after the first time a bonded pair have sex.”

I bite my bottom lip, excitement flooding my body. “Well, that’s something to look forward to, then.”

Just as I dry off the final pan, there’s a pounding at the front door.

“It’s me!” Mari calls outside. “I brought alcohol. I had the feeling we’d need it.”

I glance at Rook.

“Who’s that? And why is she bringing alcohol at ten in the morning?” he asks.

I chew on my bottom lip. I’d really wanted a little more time with Rook, just him and me, before I introduced him to my sister. Mari is a lot and would, no doubt, have an earful to say about the situation. I don’t want her scaring him off.

But I need to talk to her about our father’s name on that paper.

“It’s my twin sister, Mari. And I don’t know why she brought alcohol, but I’m glad she did. This might get messy,” I say in warning as I dry my hands on a kitchen towel and head to the front door. “Feel free to make yourself scarce after the introductions.”

Rook quirks an eyebrow at me. “Scarce? Why wouldn’t I want to hang out with my mate’s twin sister who likes to day drink?”

I smile at him, his words warming my heart. “She doesn’t normally,” I say and open the door to Mari’s grimace.
