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She doesn’t hear me. She might not even see me, so thick is her heat haze.

I dash to her and move the big hunk of unconscious sigma off my girl.

“Mate,” I say, as her eyes finally find me. Finally, see me.

Instead of relief, her face contorts into a grimace. “No,” she moans.

“Shh, I’m here now, omega. Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of you now.” The cramps must be ramping up again if she is in this much pain.

“No, Rook. Not you. I can’t—” She curls in on herself as another cramp grips her.

Not me? Not fucking me? What does that mean?

I kneel next to her as Jonah slowly slides off the sofa to the hardwood floor. His head bounces on the polished planks, which is going to hurt when he wakes up.

“Willa, I’m here. I can help you. Let me help you.” I offer her my hand, but she doesn’t take it. She’s too busy trying to curl into a ball.

She shakes her head, teeth bared at the pain.

I’ve never seen an omega in heat before, but this seems like too much.

Too painful.

Why would it be so hard on her?

“Not you. Get Drago. Get Rafe. Anyone else.”

I don’t listen to the asshole in my head telling me she’s rejecting me. Asking what the fuck is wrong with me that she won’t let me help her.

Instead, I ask her a simple question. “Why not me?” My tone is as neutral as I can manage.

She groans, clutching at her middle. “I don’t want to hurt you. To force you.”

Jesus God in Heaven. She thought she was protecting me.

I grab her behind the knees and force her onto her back. I can’t stand seeing her like this, twisted in pain and flushed with fever. “You don’t get a say in this, sweetheart, OK?”


There's usually something funny up here, right?


Her pale hazeleyes swim with unshed tears, and she nods once. And that’s all I need. I pull her knees apart, but she’s so tense, so wracked with heat cramps, that I have to work to wedge my hips between her shaking thighs.

“Sshh, it’s OK, Willa. I’m right here.”

Her skin is fucking hot to the touch, so I flick on the overhead fan and throw open the windows with a thought. It clears out some of her delightful caramel scent, which I find annoying, but when the cool breeze brushes across her, she settles.

I grip her thighs, wishing this wasn’t our first time. Wishing this wasn’t my first time with a woman since Belle.

Willa likely won’t remember much of anything that happens tonight, but I will.

I glance down at her soaked, swollen sex, and plunge in deep.

She groans with relief as soon as I’m sheathed within her, and her body squeezes down until I’m about to fucking blow my load like a boy who’s just seen his first pair of tits.

“Fucking hell, Willa, that magic pussy of yours might just be the death of me.”
