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Lionel released a small sigh. He did not see the point in hashing this out with Anthony, especially amongst a mixed crowd.

“We are still getting to know one another,” Lionel said.

Anthony said nothing, but Lionel suspected that he did not think much of Lionel’s excuse. In truth, Lionel did not know what was keeping him from proposing to Rebecca, the woman that he had been courting for the last few months.

He knew that he was not being fair to her. He kept her from the London Season, or even from finding another match.

Lionel sighed and threw his cards down on the table. “I think that I have lost,” he said.

Anthony laughed and showed his own cards.

Lionel stood up abruptly. “I should take my leave of you for the evening.”

“Are you certain?” Abigail asked. “You have not even finished your brandy.”

Lionel gave her a small smile. “It is getting late, and I need to make the trek back home.”

He turned his attention to Flora. “It was a pleasure to meet you,” he said, giving her a slight bow.

“Lovely meeting you as well, and I hope that we will see more of one another during my time here.”

Lionel did not say anything additionally as he took his leave from their small party.

As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath of the cool fragrant air. He swore that he could smell the oncoming fall. It was one of his favourite scents. Though the air would be cooler, and he would not be able to spend as much time outdoors, he would be glad to be sequestered away in his home.

As he left the Waldren’s home and walked towards his own, he could not stop his mind from wandering to their new guest. It was rare that Lionel met someone that fascinated him the way Flora Sedley did.

He did not know what it was about her that had grabbed his interest so.

She was pleasing enough to behold, but beauty was not something that Lionel found particularly appealing. Beauty faded and lovely women were not particularly rare. He could only think of a small few who he thought were particularly ugly to behold.

So, it was not that which had grabbed him.

He could not put a finger on what it was about Flora that made him want to know more. One minute she was telling him a great deal about herself, prattling on in a way that he found earnest and sincere rather than annoying and grating, and in the next moment, she shuttered herself listening intently to the people around her.

Lionel sighed. Whatever it was that was so fascinating about her, he was sure that he would find out. According to Abigail, Flora would be in Kent for the foreseeable future, and though Lionel had no intention of bringing eligible bachelors to the Waldren’s door, he was certain that tonight was not the last time he would see Flora Sedley.

The thought did not displease him.
