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“Evelina,” he said, in wonder. “I love you. I truly love you.”

Her face transformed at his words, filled with wonder of her own. It was as if a light had been illuminated within her. It was as if a flame that had been flickering faintly finally burst into life, bright and fierce.

“I love you, too,” she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I love you so much…”

He couldn’t take it any longer. He kissed her, stroking her hair, marvelling at the silky beauty of it beneath his fingers.

He drew her to her feet, their lips still connected, unable to get enough of her. They stumbled towards one of the posts holding up the gazebo. He wanted her lips again.

He heard her desperate gasp. The next minute, he turned, pushing her back against the post, seeking her lips once more. They locked in a fevered embrace.

Her lips met his, matching his urgency. For a moment, they simply drowned in each other. He felt her lips open beneath his in utter submission. His tongue entered her mouth, claiming it, roughly prodding it. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Shivering, she arched her back, straining against him.

She was moaning, emitting soft sounds of passion at the back of her throat. The sound almost tipped him over the edge. Pure desire stabbed him with the force of a knife, almost jerking him backwards. His mind was clouding now; he was delirious with passion, completely losing awareness of time and place.

In a daze, he pulled at the bodice of her gown, seeking her breasts, exposing them to the cold air. He was gratified to see that they were hard and erect. The next minute, he ducked his head, desperately seeking a nipple before latching on with a satisfied grunt, suckling her urgently.

She gasped as she arched again against the post. Delirious with need, he gathered her skirts up, feeling the shock of her skin against his hands. He kept suckling her nipple before reaching for the very core of her, finding her warm and moist beneath his fingers.

She cried out, in an almost pained way, as he found her entrance, his fingers sinking deep inside her. He gloried in her wetness and the heat that was just for him. Another deep stab of passion overcame him as he felt her jerking beneath his fingers, twitching and straining. She was emitting those soft moans again that were driving him crazy.

He wanted to stay here like this forever. He wanted to pleasure her like this for the rest of his life, listening to her moaning in ecstasy beneath his hands. He wanted to worship her like the goddess that she was.

He found the soft nib of her secret place, rubbing it gently, as his fingers slid in and out of her. His mouth left her breast, trailing up her neck, biting and nipping at her in a frenzy of desire as he deepened his touch. She was mottled red with desire, her eyes closed, her head tilted back. The moans had become cries, as she shuddered beneath his touch, straining for release.

Suddenly, she arched her back again, and he felt a gush of wet heat flowing out of her. She clung to him desperately, as if she were drowning, crying out his name, twisting frantically.

Abruptly, she slumped, almost sliding down the post of the gazebo. Slowly, he extracted his hand, kissing her softly on the cheek as her passion descended.

He gazed down at her, thinking that he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life than the sight of her now, still trembling and flushed from his touch.

It took a moment for her to come back down to earth. She opened her eyes in a daze. He embraced her, kissing her forehead, so overcome with love for her he couldn’t express it.

She was his woman. He knew that nature had always intended it. They were meant for each other. It was only the outside world that was keeping them apart. He pushed the thought out of his head. He wanted to enjoy this moment fully by holding the woman he loved… before she was taken away from him forever.


After she had left him, Jude walked slowly back down the path towards his room. He was still so stunned and amazed at what had happened between them; he didn’t notice the figure in a black cloak until it was almost upon him.

He stopped suddenly. The figure pushed down the hood of the cloak. It was Sally Potter.

“Sally,” he stammered. “What are you doing out here at this time of the night?”

She sneered at him. “You are not the only one allowed to wander the grounds at night, Jude.” Her voice was as hard as a rock. “I know what you have been doing.”

His blood ran cold. “What do you mean? I was just taking a walk. I couldn’t sleep…”

“Just stop it, Jude,” she said, in a cold voice. “I know all about what you are doing with the lady. The risks you are taking. I have been following you.” She exhaled slowly. “You shouldn’t have made an enemy out of me. But I haven’t decided what to do about it yet.”

Jude felt like he was in the midst of a nightmare. He hesitated. He didn’t know what to do. Should he admit it, plead with her for her silence? Or should he keep denying it, hoping she was only fishing, and hadn’t seen anything at all?

Chapter 31

Jude stood at the side of the carriage, polishing it so furiously that it was a wonder he didn’t wear a hole in the vehicle. He was still so upset from what had happened the previous evening that he couldn’t even pretend to be in good spirits.

Sally Potter knows about me and Evelina. And Evelina’s betrothal is going to be announced at the Christmas Eve ball.

His blood ran cold just thinking about it. He still couldn’t believe that one of the most magical evenings of his life, when he and Evelina had reached such startling new intimacy, had been ruined afterwards by the appearance of the maid.
