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So far, it seemed that Sally Potterhadn’tsaid anything. Evelina had awoken every day seized with fear, thinking that today the affair would be exposed, but everything seemed normal. Just in case, she and Jude had agreed not to see one another. It was tearing them both to pieces after that magical evening in the gazebo where they had declared their love for one another, but it seemed the safest thing.

Evelina’s heart tightened further as she noticed the gleaming diamond on her hand. Her engagement ring. Mr. Beaumont had presented it to her only two days ago. It was a beautiful ring, but she despised it with her whole heart. It seemed to itch upon her finger, as if her very skin was rejecting it, just as her heart was.

“Do you have thespian nerves, milady?” asked Reverend Basingstoke, coming up to her. “It is probably best not to look out at the crowd before the show. It may put you off your stride.”

Evelina took a deep breath, turning to the vicar. “I will not lie to you, Reverend. Iamnervous. But we have practised a lot, and I am confident that the show will be a success.” She paused. “You have done a marvellous job at directing the pantomime. You should be very proud of your efforts.”

The vicar turned pink with pleasure. “What a lovely thing to say, milady. The entire cast has worked hard and overcome the hiccup of Mr. Pimm leaving the production.” He exhaled slowly. “Jude has really thrown himself into the role. He truly is a most extraordinary man. I believe many hearts will be aflutter in the village after watching him in the role of Prince Charming.” He laughed.

“I am sure they will be,” said Evelina, her heart skipping a beat at the thought.

She dropped the curtain, turning to look at the cast in the wings. Jude was standing there, dressed as the charming prince, talking to Mr. Rogers, who was playing Harlequin.

Her breath caught in her throat. How different he looked in the grand costume, dressed in a fur lined silk jacket, with a crown upon his head. He wasn’t himself any longer, either. He had stepped entirely into his role, making it his own, just as Reverend Basingstoke had said.

Hewasextraordinary. And he would always be her Prince Charming, come what may.

Bittersweet sorrow filled her heart as she kept gazing at him. This was the last time they would stand on this stage together. Their precious time together, as cast members of this pantomime, would soon be over. Just like their time together in private, as lovers, was over.

She blinked back tears, unable to believe that he would never kiss her again, or that she would not feel his beloved hands upon her body. He would never lead her to that incredible height of passion again. It was all relegated to sweet memory now. Memories that she would treasure for the rest of her life during her marriage with Mr. Beaumont.

Suddenly, he looked up straight at her. Their eyes connected for a long moment. She saw the same sorrow and love within them, mirroring her own.

The vicar clapped his hands. “It is about to start! Please, everyone, take their places, ready for your cue.” He took a deep breath. “Good luck, my dear cast. As they say in the theatre, break a leg. The show is about to commence!”

Everyone grew quiet, taking their places. Harlequin and Clown walked onto the stage, ready for the first comic scene, before the pantomime began‌. Evelina heard the hush in the hall as the lights dimmed.

And then the curtain opened to a flurry of applause. Evelina’s heart tightened. The show really was about to begin.


Evelina closed her eyes for a brief moment as she bowed, letting the wild applause wash over her. She was exhausted but exhilarated, feeling a high unlike anything that she had ever experienced in her life. Clearly, the show had been a great success, judging by the enthusiastic response of the crowd.

But as the applause kept going, and the cast bowed yet again, it wasn’t the adulation she was hearing and seeing which was making her heart race faster still. It was the feeling of Jude’s hand within her own. And even though she was gazing out at the crowd, not looking at him at all, she knew he felt the same way. She felt him squeeze her hand, running one finger along the length of her palm, causing a frisson of delight to shudder through her.

Finally, the curtain descended. Everyone in the cast broke hands, bright eyed and laughing. Reverend Basingstoke swept onto the stage, clapping his hands, red faced with triumph.

“Oh, well done!” he cried. “It was simply brilliant! Well done, Harlequin and Clown; the comic scenes brought the house down. I have never heard so much laughter.” He turned to Evelina and Jude, still standing side by side.

“And well done to our romantic leads. I declare I saw wet eyes in the audience during the scenes between the two of you, especially when the Prince runs after Cinderella before she vanishes on the stroke of midnight. It was almost like it wasn’t acting at all… as if the two of you are truly in love!”

Evelina blushed fiercely, trying not to look at Jude.

“Thank you, Reverend,” said Jude. “But I think all the cast would agree that we couldneverhave put on such a show without you as director. You were a great leader. Thank you for all your hard work.”

The vicar coloured with pleasure, pumping out his chest. Everyone gave him a round of applause before dispersing, leaving to greet family and friends in the audience, or take off their costumes and makeup. The Christmas pantomime was officially over for another year.

Jude leaned over, whispering in her ear. “Come with me,” he said. “Just for a moment.”

Evelina gazed up at him. “Jude, I cannot,” she whispered back, her heart contracting. “My family is here. They are expecting me.”

“We will only be a moment,” he said, his eyes bright. “Please, Evelina.”

She hesitated for another moment before nodding quickly. He led her out of the hall, down the back stairs, adjoining the stage, behind a tall oak tree where all was in shadow. She knew no one would see them here.

They turned and faced each other. Evelina’s heart was racing erratically. They hadn’t been in a position like this since the night at the garden gazebo. But now, she could feel the heightened, almost uncontrolled passion about to explode between them, as if they had suddenly lowered the floodgates and a dam was about to burst its banks.

“I cannot stay long,” she said breathlessly. “My father or brother will start looking for me.”
