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A tear slid down Jude’s face. “I always wondered how I got the scar. They said I had it when I arrived at the orphanage.”

“My dearest boy,” said the marquess, tears sliding down his own face. “I have found you. At long last.”

He reached out, embracing him. Jude hugged the man tightly, so overcome with emotion that he couldn’t speak at all.

He had been searching for his family forever. He had despaired that he wouldeverfind them. He had been so obsessed with it that it had overtaken his life. That was one of the reasons he had left Shrewsbury, to put the past behind him and start anew. To leave it all behind and begin again.

And now, in the most extraordinary twist of fate, his father had found him. A man who looked so much like himself that it was uncanny. A man who wasn’t just an ordinary man, but agentleman, a marquess.He was the son of a noble and came from a noble family. It was like discovering he had been sleeping on a chest filled with gold his entire life without ever realising it.

His mind reeled in confusion. How had this happened?

When the embrace ended, he turned to the duke. “How did you know?” he whispered. “How have you brought my father here and made this possible?”

The duke smiled. A most beatific smile. “Well, that is a story itself,” he said, beaming at him. “And I promise to tell you everything… if you will come with us now.”

Jude’s jaw hit the ground. “You want me to leave with you?”

The duke nodded. “Oh, yes, indeed. We have a ball to go to, my dear boy, and we must not tally or we shall surely miss it.” His eyes were watery with tears. “And there is a lady missing you very much. A lady who will be overjoyed to see you at that ball.”

“Evelina?” He could barely articulate her name.

The duke nodded. “The very one. She does not know I am here, or what I am doing.” He hesitated, his face clouding with emotion. “I want to surprise her. I want to give her what she desires for Christmas, more than anything in this world.” He paused, staring at Jude. “And that isyou, my dear boy. If you are willing… of course.”

Jude’s jaw dropped again. His heart somersaulted. It seemed all of his dreams were coming true today.

“Oh, yes,” he whispered, unable to believe this was real. “I am willing.”

Chapter 38

Evelina stood at the top of the staircase, gazing down into the foyer. Her mind flashed with a vivid memory from many years ago, when she had been a small girl, peering down at the ladies and gentlemen in their magnificent ball attire milling into the house like a flock of brightly coloured butterflies.

She gripped the banister, overcome with emotion. The annual Christmas Eve ball. And now, here she was, hosting it herself. Her corset laced so tightly she could barely breathe, but it had achieved the line she desired for the new ball gown her father had purchased for her. She was dressed, coiffed, and ready for the night to commence.

If only her heart wasn’t a stone in her chest. If only she could rouse even a modicum of excitement. She wanted to be excited about the anticipated ball she had fought to host against the wishes of her father.

Slowly, she made her way down the staircase, reaching the foyer. The decorations were all in place. The house looked wonderful, festooned with Christmas greenery, so much that it smelt like a forest. The white pillar candles, nestling in candleholders and candelabras, had already been lit.

She walked down the hallway to the kitchen. It was a hive of activity. Cook was barking orders to the harassed maids. There was so much food on the long table that there simply wasn’t space for anything else, she thought. The butler was suddenly at her elbow, standing to attention.

“Everything is ready?” she asked, dread entering her heart.

He nodded. “Yes, milady. The orchestra is setting up in the ballroom now. The champagne is chilling, and the glasses are washed and ready.” He smiled. “All we need now are the guests.”

Evelina nodded, then she frowned. “And my father? Has he returned from his sudden trip?”

The butler shook his head. “Not yet, milady, but he assured me that he would be back in time for the ball.”

Evelina’s frown deepened. “He did not say where he was going?”

The butler shook his head again, before being called away by the housekeeper. Evelina stayed a moment longer, making sure everything was in order, before drifting back down the hallway to the foyer, just in time to see Richard emerging, dressed in his finest attire.

Her heart clenched. She had been expecting to greet the guests alongside her father, but if he didn’t get back soon, she would be forced to do it with her brother. And shereallydidn’t want to talk to Richard, even if it was only small talk. She knew she could never forgive him for what he had done. He had interfered in her life for his own selfish purposes.

She sighed heavily, glancing at the grandfather clock. It seemed she must do it. The guests were due at any moment. She frowned again, wondering what business had been so urgent that her father had abruptly left Bosworth on the eve of the ball, leaving her to cope with this alone. And now, she was wondering if he would make it back in time for the ball.

Her lips tightened. No, he must make it back. He must be here for the announcement of her betrothal, after all. No one else could do it, and both her father and brother had been insistent that it would happen at this ball. God help her.

Richard reached her side, adjusting the cufflinks on his evening jacket, before looking at her.
