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The duke nodded. “I told Sir Henry and his son before they left last night,” he said, chuckling to himself. “They were dark with anger, but I did not care. Everything has worked out exactly as it should, and I am content that it is all for the best.”

Jude gazed at him steadily. “You will let me propose to your daughter?” He held his breath while he waited for the reply.

The duke nodded. “I will,” he said, his eyes shining. “I give you my full permission, Jude. You are a fine young man, and I would be proud to call you my son-in-law.” He smiled. “And now that you are the son and heir of the Marquess of Winston, there is no impediment. You are the equal of my daughter.”

Jude’s eyes filled with tears of joy. Once again, he had to pinch himself to believe that this was actually real and not a wonderful dream. Was he about to wake up in Mrs. Hopkins’s lumpy bed, groaning, wishing he could recapture it?

The duke jumped, peering out the carriage window. “There it is,” he said in an excited voice. “Bosworth Manor at long last. We are almost there, my boy.”

Jude gazed out the window.Bosworth. The house was glowing in the darkness, surrounded by hundreds of lanterns, in honour of the Christmas Eve ball and to light the way for the guests. He felt a stirring of pure excitement and wonder, almost feeling like he was a little boy again, and something magical was about to happen.

A rush of uncertainty clamoured alongside the excitement, and his mouth suddenly went dry. Was he good enough for this? Did he deserve Evelina? How was he going to fit into this world?

And most important of all… would she accept him?

Chapter 39

Evelina stood at the side of the ballroom, watching the ladies and gentlemen dancing. The orchestra was playing beautifully. The house looked magnificent. Everyone had commented upon it, complimenting her on her hard work, telling her that her late mother would be proud of her efforts. The food was divine and in abundance. Everything was running like clockwork.

A shiver of apprehension fell down her spine. But everythingwasn’tthe way it should be. Her father still hadn’t returned from his mystery trip. Everyone had asked where he was. She hadn’t been able to tell them, simply saying he had been called away on urgent business and would surely be here soon.

Her brother didn’t know where their father was either and looked concerned as well. A furrow pinched his brow. The other strange thing was the Beaumont family weren’t here. Her fiancé and his parents simply hadn’t arrived.

Another icy shiver went down her spine. All of it must be connected. The betrothal was supposed to be publicly announced this evening. Richard certainly thought it would be.

The only thing she could imagine was that her father and the Beaumont family had planned to arrive together. It was the only explanation for it all. Her father’s mystery trip must involve them‌. Were they planning some kind of surprise to make the betrothal announcement more dramatic?

Caroline approached her, smiling brightly. “There you are, Evelina,” said her friend, fanning herself vigorously. “I have been searching for you.” She paused, gazing at her friend intently, frowning. “You are pale, dearest, and look like you are about to jump out of your skin.”

“I feel as if that may occur,” said Evelina in a grim voice. “Oh, Caroline. I do not know what is happening. My father is missing, and the Beaumont family is not here, either. What can it all mean?”

Caroline’s frown deepened. “Itisodd that your father is not here. My parents have commented upon it, and I have heard other people wondering where he is.” She hesitated. “As for the Beaumont family, that is a mystery, too. I have not heard that they have been struck down by sudden illness. You are sure the announcement is happening this evening?”

Evelina nodded. “Quite sure. And Richard believes it is still happening.” She sighed heavily. “I believe I am going to be ambushed by all of them. That they have planned this together and have worked out some terrible surprise to accompany the announcement.”

Caroline looked amused. “Like what, dearest? Do you think they are all planning to descend upon Bosworth like an army, aloft horses, storming into the house?”

Evelina couldn’t help laughing. When Caroline put it like that, itdidsound ridiculous. But the whole situation was singular, and she just didn’t know anymore. All she knew was that the minutes were ticking down until her engagement was supposed to be announced and she was growing more frantic by the second. She felt like a band was tightening around her head.

“I know you are still upset by your betrothal,” said Caroline, placing a hand upon her arm. “I can see it in your face. But I think you must resolve yourself to it, Evelina, for your own peace of mind. Otherwise, you shall never have a chance at contentment in this life.”

“My fiancé is abominable,” said Evelina, tears springing into her eyes. “I will never find contentment with him, no matter what. It makes no difference if I am resolved to it or not.” She hesitated, staring at her friend. “Caroline, I am in love with someone else.”

“What?” Her friend’s voice was full of shock. “Who are you in love with? Why have you never told me this before?”

Evelina bit her lip. “I never told you because the man I am in love with is not… acceptable,” she replied, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay. “My father would never permit me to court or marry him, besides the fact he had already betrothed me to Mr. Beaumont.”

A shadow passed over Caroline’s face. “Who is it?”

Evelina sighed heavily. She felt unbearably sad. “It does not matter any longer who he is,” she said, feeling the band tighten around her head. “You would judge me and I do not think I could bear it, dear Caroline. Your friendship means so much to me.” She hesitated. “All you need to know is that he was the love of my life. A kind, wonderful man. A man like no other.”

Suddenly, Richard was at her side, taking her arm in a proprietorial way. “I have just received word that Papa is back,” he whispered into her ear. “And I believe the Beaumont family are with him. At least, the butler said there are other people in the carriage, and who else could it be, seeing as they have not arrived yet?”

Evelina’s heart plummeted. So, her suspicion that this mystery trip her father had undertaken involved the Beaumonts was true. Theywereplanning to ambush her‌. But how? As Caroline said, they were hardly going to storm the house on horseback.

“Come along, Evelina,” said her brother, pulling on her arm. “We will greet them. And then I am certain the announcement will occur. I have already ordered the butler to prepare the champagne. The footmen will start circulating it as soon as the announcement is made.”

Caroline reached over, kissing her on the cheek. Her eyes were full of sympathy as she whispered in her ear. “Good luck, my dearest friend.”
