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“I don’t have much choice, do I?” William nodded. “I will do whatever I can, Grace—you know that. Now tell me your plans.”

Grace outlined the scheme that she and Fergus had concocted between them, then sat back and waited for him to speak.

“It sounds dangerous,” he said at last. “Grace, you have never done anything like this before. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“It’s not aboutwhatI want, Will,” she replied, “butwho. It has always been Fergus, and I realize that I simply cannot do without him. He is everything to me.”

Brother and sister gazed at each other for a moment.

“You know I also had a girl I loved once, but then she ended up marrying someone else. Do you remember?”

“I do, Grace answered. “I hated her for hurting you.” She frowned fiercely at the memory.

William shook his head. “I don't!” he countered, laughing. “It was the best thing that ever happened to both of us. We would have been miserable together.” He looked at his sister keenly. “You look better now than at any time since you came here.”

“At least I have some hope now,” Grace said, smiling at him. “I had none before.”

“And if your plan doesn’t succeed?” William looked away from her. “I am so worried for you, Grace. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“You should be more worried if I stayed here, Will.” She frowned. “I may as well run away now. It’s better this way than waiting till after I’m married. Then I would be his property and he could take me back by force whenever he wanted.” She stood up, and for the first time since they had come to Inverleck Castle, William saw that Grace looked a little like her old self.

“I will see you at breakfast,” she said, smiling at him.

“Grace, are you sure about this?” he asked again, standing up.

“Completely.” Her answer was swift and definite. “I must get away, Will.”

“You can count on my assistance.” William assured her, stepped forward to hug her. “You are my only sister, and I love you. But I would hate to see anything bad happen to you.”

“I know,” she murmured. “You are such a good brother.”

She left quietly, and William made himself ready for the day. He shaved and dressed, then went down to endure breakfast with Robert at the head of the table, and pretended that he had heard nothing.

* * *

The hunt began just after dawn the next day. Grace was in a fever of excitement during the whole day, and Crissy had remarked on it. Her eagle eyes were attuned to every one of Grace’s mannerisms, and her ears to all the tones of her voice. She knew that there was something afoot.

“Are ye goin’ tae tell me what is goin’ on, hen?” she asked suspiciously as she startled Grace, who had not known of her presence, in the act of packing a small leather bag.

Grace flushed guiltily. She didn’t want to let Crissy in on the secret for her own sake, since she knew that Crissy wouldn’t have to lie if she knew nothing about her sudden disappearance. It was better, she judged, that she should not know anything. Now she saw that it would be better for all of them if Crissy came with them. Apart from anything else, her friend would worry herself to death.

However, Crissy had known her for a long, long time and she knew Grace inside out. She could hide nothing.

Grace sighed and sat on the bed. “Crissy, there is something I have to tell you,” she confessed at last.

“Aye, I thought there might be.” Crissy sat down beside her. “You have been actin’ funny since ye got out o’ bed this mornin’. Tell me.”

Grace began to tell her of the plan that she had hatched with Fergus, and watched as Crissy’s face grew more and more alarmed.

“I just wanted to keep you safe, Crissy.” Grace said, looking down at her hands, which she was twisting in her lap.

At last, she finished, and Crissy looked at her silently for a long moment. “Are ye sure this is what ye want, hen?” she asked. “I willnae try tae change your mind, because I know it is a waste of time, but are ye certain?”

“I am.” Grace’s face was set in a mask of determination. “I cannot stand the thought of being married to Robert MacAndrew, Crissy. I can’t bear the thought of climbing into bed at night and having his hands all over me.” She shook her head, and her body shuddered at the thought of it.

“I understand,” Crissy said, placing her hand on top of Grace’s. “Is there anythin’ ye want me tae dae, hen?”

“Act as if you know nothing,” Grace replied. “I didn’t want to bring any trouble down on you, Crissy, which is why I didn’t tell you in the first place. I am sorry to have involved you in this mess.”
