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Fergus was about to answer when the door to the Great Hall opened and they were summoned inside. They held hands tightly as they stood looking at the members of the council, all of whom looked very somber indeed.

Chief Duncan MacAndrew stood up and addressed them. He was a tall, thin man with a cadaverous face, but his eyes were kind, and he had an air of wholesomeness about him that made most people warm to him at once. However, he carried an attitude of authority that made his words carry weight, and when he spoke, people listened, as they were doing now.

“Fergus MacAndrew and Grace Gibson,” he began, “having talked amongst ourselves and listened to the evidence of many parties involved in this matter, we have decided to take the following steps. Please bear in mind that this course of action was not taken lightly.

Fergus, we have decided, after much consideration, that you will make a much better Laird than your brother, so henceforth the Lairdship belongs to you and your heirs.” He looked questioningly at Grace and raised his eyebrows, then his gaze moved to Fergus, who smiled at Grace.

“Would you like to marry me Milady?” he asked, turning to her and taking her other hand.

“Yes, M’Laird,” she replied, showing the dimples he loved, as she smiled at him again. “I would like that very much.”

A chorus of cheers went up, and they looked around to see that everyone was rejoicing with them.

“Kiss me,” Fergus whispered, wrapping his arms around Grace. She stood on tiptoe and planted a chaste kiss on his lips, but that was not enough for him. He turned the kiss into something far more passionate, far more loving, before drawing away from her, grinning.

Grace was blushing furiously. She sat down when one of the council members obligingly pulled a chair out for her, and Fergus stood behind her protectively.

“What is going to happen to my brother?” he asked abruptly.

“We have decided that he will be sentenced to Aberdeen for trial. The justices may sentence him to transportation to America, or one of the other new colonies,” the chief replied. “It is a more merciful punishment than the one he deserves.”

Fergus felt as though an arrow had pierced his heart. He and Robert had been inseparable for most of their lives, and now he knew that he might never see him again. It was as though he was being punished too.

As if she had read his mind, Grace whispered, “you will see him again.”

“I hope so,” he replied huskily, “I will petition the court to let him be imprisoned here in Scotland, for my mother’s sake.”

“And for your own,” Grace said gently. She did not voice what she had been thinking; they could have recommended to the court that Robert be sentenced to death.

Fergus sighed. “Yes, Grace, because despite everything he has done, I cannot bring myself to hate him.”

The meeting broke up after that, and Grace went to embrace William. “Thank you for all your help.” She breathed. “I am so glad everything is finally settled.”

William kissed her forehead and looked into her face, “and my sister is finally about to become a bride!”

“I can’t believe it,” Grace said as Fergus approached them and reclaimed her from her brother’s embrace.

William looked at Fergus’s unhappy face and patted his shoulder. “If you ever need another man to talk to, Fergus, I am here,” he offered.

Fergus was wiping tears away from his eyes, but he smiled at William. “Thank you, Will,” he said huskily. He could never have imagined that losing his brother would have such an effect on him. “And I will be happy to do the same for you.”

Grace was delighted that the two men she loved most in the whole world were now friends; it seemed that every dream she had ever had was coming true.

* * *

“I don’t think anyone saw us,” Fergus said, grinning as they reached the top of the servants’ staircase, which was the easiest route to the bedrooms if you wanted to remain unseen.

His eyes were glinting with mischief and Grace giggled as she watched him. What a beautiful man he was!

Suddenly she squealed as she was swept off her feet into his strong arms. “What would you like to do now, Milady?” he asked wickedly.

“I don’t know.” Grace answered, kissing the side of his neck. “Can you suggest anything?”

As an answer, he strode along to the door of his chamber and kicked it open. Once inside, Fergus set Grace down on the floor, pulled her into his arms, and gave her a searing kiss. She had to tilt her head back to accommodate him, but he held the back of her head to keep her steady while he ravaged her lips. In doing so, he dislodged the chain of primroses that he had made her instead of a headdress, but neither of them noticed.

When he drew away, they were both breathless, and there was a moment of silence while they looked at each other, sparks flying between them.

“I love you,” he whispered. “I love you more than anyone I have ever met in my whole life, Lady MacAndrew.”
