Page 19 of First Comes Love

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Holy fuck. I know I’m going to break that promise.

Chapter 5


I’M PRETTY SURE I’m dying. Or maybe I’m already dead. My entire body hurts, my head pounds, and my mouth is drier than the Sahara. The contents of my stomach slosh around like acid and I need to use the bathroomnow, but I can’t seem to get my arms and legs to work.

And I don’t know why.

I force my eyes open, knowing I’m just seconds away from peeing myself. I’m in my room, tucked under the fluffy down comforter in my bed. It’s warm yet hardly weighs anything, though right now it feels like a lead blanket trapping me against the mattress. Me and my very angry bladder that is screaming it can’t wait much longer.

My vision is fuzzy and I have to blink several times to look at the clock. It’s eleven thirty. At night? I yank my foot out from under Vader, who sleeps on my legs almost every night, and blink again. No, it’s the day.

What the hell? I’m too confused to think about it, and right now all I can think of is running to the glorious toilet. I swing my feet over the bed, realize I’m naked, then feel a wave of nausea come on. I cover my mouth and wait for it to pass. I let my eyes close, the light too much to take in. My feet hit the cold hardwood and I shuffle my way to the bathroom, tripping over something. I catch myself and look down, expecting to see a dog toy or my clothes.

I’m not expecting to see a motorcycle boot. My blood runs cold. I know that boot. I know the foot that goes in it, the leg that foot is connected to, and the body that owns them both.

Holy shit.

I know that body very well after last night. I’m suddenly dizzy, and the fear of passing out then waking up in my own urine is the only thing that keeps me from turning and looking in my bed.

But I don’t have to. I knowhe’sstill there.

I don’t allow myself to think. I don’t want to recall what happened, what we did to each other—with each other—last night. I barely make it to the toilet on time. The relief I feel from taking the longest pee in the history of pees does nothing to settle my already upset stomach. My hands shake and my head is spinning.

I slept with Noah Wilson.

I don’t know why. I don’t know how. Well, thehowis self-explanatory … and also explains the rug burns on my knees. I put my head in my hands and try to think back. What happened last night?

Do I want to remember what happened? I stand and turn on the shower. I went on a date, a date Jenny set up. A date that went horribly wrong. And then I went to that trashy bar and Noah took me home, and … oh god. I recall the rain and sitting on the couch with Noah. I remember his lips pressing into mine, then it’s black from there. I get into the shower, and images of flesh and lust flash before me.

I can still feel him between my legs, and I know he must have a huge cock or we did it many times. Hell—probably both. And I don’t have carpet in my room to get the rug burn on my knees.

I’m alone in the shower yet I’m embarrassed. What the hell was I thinking?

Noah. Fucking. Wilson.

If I was to hook up with anyone in the world, why did it have to be him? I shake my head. No one can know about this. I turn my face up into the water. No one has to, actually.

My heart stops racing. Noah won’t tell Colin he slept with his little sister. He might not give a shit about his reputation, but he wouldn’t ruin their friendship. And I won’t tell anyone. As far as I’m concerned, Noah took me home, I went into my room, closed the door, and slept through the night in my own bed—alone—while Noah snoozed on the couch.

They don’t even have to know he stayed. He could have dropped me off at home and left.

Yes, that’s a better lie. He dropped me off, I went to bed, and that’s that.

I go about washing myself, trying not to panic. It was one night. One time. It meant nothing, though I probably won’t be able to look Noah in the eye anytime soon.

As stupid as it sounds, I have a little ball of dread that I sucked in bed. I’m no virgin, but it’s been a while. Though, if Noah was as drunk as me, maybe he has no idea.

Oh! Maybe I can get dressed and tell him nothing happened! Yes, I’ll give it a try. Now to convince myself nothing happened … yeah right. March 11thwill be tainted forever as the night I had sex with Noah Wilson.

“Stop,” I say out loud. I’m an adult. I can sleep with who I want, when I want. I have every right to do this.

So why do I feel so guilty?

I get out of the shower, towel off, and put on my bathrobe. I tip-toe into my room and close my eyes. I don’t want to look at him. I don’t want to see those rippling muscles and tattoos.
