Page 32 of Exposed

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“Does it look like I’m ready?” I ask breathily while slowly sinking down onto his manhood. I prepare to ride him, using one hand to sweep my hair over my shoulder, and with the other, I reach up to ease the ache in my hardening nipples when I remember I still have his phone in my hand. I glance at the lit-up screen and chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” King snarls.

“Well, do you think round two would last longer than fifteen minutes?” I ask a confused looking King. I turn his phone screen towards him in explanation, and he reads the message from Stryker.

Stryker: Everyone in the dining room in 15 minutes.

King lets out an exasperated sigh before exclaiming loudly, “I’ve been sitting back, not interrupting anyone’s time with you, and as soon as I finally have you, I have assholes like Volkov banging on the door an–”

Another hard rap on the door vibrates the wood before we hear Alexie yell, “That asshole is still out here! Now, stop whining like a little bitch and fuck her, so I can listen.”

I laugh for a moment until King swats my asscheek hard with one of his hands. “Ouch,” I screech. Not letting him get away with that, I reach down and twist one of his nipples roughly.

King grabs my wrist, threatening, “Be careful, Luci, or I’ll need to punish you again.”

Even more, wetness is added between us when my pussy flutters around him, building an aching sensation inside of me. After last night, I would let this man punish me however he wants. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I look down at him, his intense eyes staring back at me.


Stryker: 10 minutes.

This time, King snatches the phone from my hand. “Bossy asshole,” he murmurs. When he looks back at me, his eyes filled with disappointment. “We need to be down there in ten minutes. As much as I want to lay claim to you…” He sets his phone on the table next to the bed and runs both hands up and down my thighs before continuing, “today is serious, and we have to be ready.”

My lips jut out into a pout. “Way to be a pussy block,” I spit out as I push myself off of him and onto the floor, standing in front of King completely naked. I decide to torment him by continuing to stand there with my hands on my hips, putting my body on full display, so he can see what he’s turning down this morning.

King throws his head into the pillow and presses his hands against his eyes. “Fuck!”

When he stays in that position, I take it as my cue to leave and walk into the bathroom for a quick shower. It’s probably a good idea to wash off the remnants of King. Or I could take that part of him in there with me.Dirty Bitch.

I shower quickly and dry off in the bathroom, deciding to torture King one last time before we head downstairs. As I walk back over the threshold of the bathroom, I casually toss my towel on the floor and walk further into the room, fully nude.

“Holy Shit!” BJ shouts out. “No wonder those men downstairs are falling all over you,” BJ comments from her spot on the couch.

My gaze meets BJ’s wide eyes, and we both stare at each other for what feels like a second too long before I scoop my towel off the floor and drape it across the front of me.

“Sorry, BJ,” I say in a very embarrassed tone. “I really wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

A large smile spreads across BJ’s face. “That’s pretty obvious.” She starts to laugh, and it’s contagious as we laugh together. She rests her elbow on the armrest and sets her chin on her hand. “So, do tell, my little vixen friend. Were you trying to woo a certain disgruntled tattooed gent again this morning?” A mischievous smirk makes its way on her face like she knows exactly what I was doing.

Then I realize what she said. “Again?” I ask her.

She lifts her head and points her hand at a vent on the floor. “I believe that vent connects to the one in my ceiling. My room is just below yours,” she informs me, and my mouth drops open as my cheeks start to flush with embarrassment.BJ heard King and me fucking last night?

“No need to worry or feel embarrassed,” she assures me. “If anything, you should be proud of the performance you put on.”

“I’m so sorry, BJ, I really am,” I continue, “I don’t want to keep–”

BJ puts her hand up to stop me from talking and stands. “Stop apologizing, Nat. I, for one, am THRILLED you and King finally gave in. He was an absolute bear to be around and not a cute, cuddly bear either. All that sexual tension between you two was really messing with my energy.” BJ walks over to the door and opens it but stops in the doorway. “You can just buy me some noise-canceling headphones, and we’ll call it even. Get ready before Stryker comes up here to get you. I have a feeling his reaction to you standing here naked would take a bit more time and effort. None of which we can afford to lose today.” With a quick wink and smile, BJ crosses the threshold and closes the door behind her.

Everyone is gathered downstairs when I enter the dining room. Alexie stands quickly and pulls back a chair for me. As I sit, Stryker slides me a plate filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. I pick up my fork to dig in as Conrad sets down a glass of orange juice next to my plate.Well, fuck, if I couldn’t get used to this.

“Damn, who do I have to fuck to get served food and treated like a princess around here?” Marcela snarks from the other side of the table. I glance up at her, not sure how she meant it, as I’m still unsure where Marcela and I stand. She’s the last person I need to really talk to. I notice the guys at the table also seem to be holding still, waiting to see how this situation plays out.

When I look at Marcela, she just gives me a small smile before King cuts in with, “It wouldn’t matter what or who you did, Marcela, being a princess is just not in the cards for you.”

Marcela pulls her fist back and punches him in the arm. “Dick. But you’re right, I’m no princess. More like a knight in shining armor,” Marcela corrects with a chuckle as she starts to scarf down some more food.

“So, if Nat is the princess and Marcela is the knight, what does that make me?” BJ asks.
