Page 45 of Exposed

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My dream was always to attend beauty school, and I made that happen. I got accepted to a pretty prestigious program, but the excitement was fleeting because of the shadow ofhow the hell am I going to pay for this?loomed over me. That is where Andrei Volkov came in.

Andrei offered to loan me the money, and he swore there were ’no strings attached’. He added a small amount of interest to it, and I, naively, thought that was the only catch.I was wrong.I told him I appreciated the offer but wouldn’t be able to make enough money to pay him back in the proposed timeline. This is where the Volkov charm and deal came into play.

I had been dancing at this club called Heaven’s Gate.Yes, I’m a stripper and very proud of that.Dancing is a passion of mine, and since I wasn’t exactly prima-ballerina-material, dancing at the club was a great alternative. The only problem is that Heaven’s Gate is a small club and not on the main strip, so it doesn’t get as much traffic as others. I’ve had offers to go elsewhere, but some of those other clubs get sketchy, and I’m not into that ’extra services’ crap. The owner of Heaven’s Gate, Helen, was always kind and actually cares for her dancers, which was not always my experience at other clubs. So when I found Helen, I planned on staying.

Andrei Volkov owns a club called Pole Palace, and it was definitely known as one of those clubs that provides ’happy endings’. I never had any interest in working there, though Andrei offered numerous times. When I told him paying back a loan would be near impossible, he offered to shave off some of the money if I danced at Pole Palace. I should have walked out right there and found another way. Maybe I should have asked his son, Alexie Volkov. I mean, he is one of my closest friends.

Then there is Natalia. We met at a dance class when we were younger and have been thick as thieves ever since. She lived with Andrei, who my dad worked for, so I had been familiar with who Andrei was at an early age. What exactly did my dad do for him? I’m not sure, all I knew was it had to do with money or finance. We moved to the US not long after Andrei and Alexie made the move, but I had never actually met them before moving here. At sixteen, my mom and dad died in a car accident, and Andrei pulled some strings to make sure I could live on my own instead of going into the system. Everyone in our neighborhood worked or was associated with the Volkovs. Even Natalia started working for Andrei, but it never changed who she was or how great of a friend she is.

Natalia and Alexie came as a package deal, but they never made me feel like the third wheel. If anything, Alexie was the one who would complain about being the third wheel to us, even after he and Natalia became romantically involved. Everyone saw that coming a mile away. They are my best friends, and I would do anything for them, just as I’m sure they would do anything for me. So the question would be, why didn’t I ask them for the money to help pay for school? Call it pride, or maybe I was worried they would think I was using them. Whatever lame excuse I convinced myself of, it got me into a jam with Andrei.

I took the job at Pole Palace. Honestly, it wasn’t that bad at first. Andrei had been desperate to get me there as a feature dancer for some time, so I held a little power in setting the parameters of my working there. I told him I was not servicing clients in any way other than dancing for them on stage. He reluctantly agreed but continuously offered to take more money off the loan if I changed my mind. I never did.

I’ve been dancing at Pole Palace for almost two years now and have been making a lot of money. Of course, it feels like as soon as that money comes in, it goes right back out. It goes towards rent, bills, and this damn loan. The end is near, though. If I keep working like I am, then I should be out of Andrei Volkov’s debt in six short months. That feels good. No, it feels amazing to see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I have no idea what Andrei wants to meet about tonight, but our meetings typically consist of him asking if I’ve changed my mind. My answer is an automatic ’no’ every single time. Then he’ll tell me about some dancers he has coming through that he wants me to train. Sometimes, he’ll even ask for my feedback on how things are going, and to my surprise, lately, he has been asking for my opinions on this club they expanded to in Las Vegas. I’ve already decided to leave Pole Palace once my loan is paid off, but it has felt good to get into a rhythm here where I feel appreciated and that I’m a part of something.

Changing out of my favorite bright red lace lingerie set that I danced in tonight, I put on my street clothes, which consist of yoga pants and a hoodie, before heading towards Andrei’s office. When I walk in, there is an immediate chill that descends on me. I close the door and see Ivan standing in the corner behind the door. The man is just lurking in the corner like a creep. Honestly, that’s probably the best way to describe him because he has always given me the heebie-jeebies.

Ivan continues to stare at me as though he’s trying to stare straight through the back of my head.As I said, creepy. “Sweet Katia,” Andrei’s voice sounds from the other side of the room. I turn away from Ivan to see Andrei sitting behind his giant desk. I’m not sure why he has such a large desk because I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen him with any work piled on it.

He stands from his chair, saying, “Please, take a seat, we have much to discuss.” If there’s something to say about Andrei, it’s that he knows how to turn on the charm. After hearing him schmooze others for years, I know he can turn his polite voice on and off in an instant. The man standing behind the desk can go from a sweet, charismatic businessman to your worst nightmare in a matter of seconds. I’m fortunate that I’ve never been on the receiving end of the latter, but I’ve witnessed it.

I walk to one of the two black leather chairs in front of his desk and sit in the one directly in front of Ivan. This way, my back is turned completely to him, and I won’t get distracted by his staring. As I sit, Andrei takes his seat as well.Always the gentleman, making sure the lady sits first.

He reaches across his desk and opens a dark wood box that sits atop it. He pulls out a cigar, clips the end, and brings it to his mouth. Andrei grabs a lighter and puffs out smoke. He leans back in his chair, casually switching between taking a few puffs of the cigar and then bringing it in front of him to look at.Should I leave because this feels like an intimate moment between him and this cigar?

“Andrei, you asked that I meet with you tonight,” I decide it’s time to get to the bottom of this meeting. When he doesn’t respond, I speak up again, “You made it seem like it was urgent.”

He leans forward and sets his cigar carefully in a tray. His elbows now sit on this desk, and he clasps his hands together in front of him. “Katia, we have an issue with your loan.”

My stomach drops.How could there be a problem? I’ve paid every month and kept receipts for proof.

“What do you mean a problem?” I try to hide any shakiness in my voice.

“Well, you see, I’m a businessman. And, as a businessman, if you don’t make a profit, then you’re not doing it right.” His eyes finally look up to mine, and if he was capable of smiling with his eyes alone, then that’s what they’re doing.

“I don’t understand,” I start as I try to sit up a little straighter. “I’ve followed our agreement to a T. Every month, I’ve paid what I owe. I’ve kept all the receipts, and I can get those–”

Andrei holds up a hand to cut me off. “That won’t be necessary,” he says in a very calm voice. “You have been a splendid girl and paid on time. This, I know, but we are renegotiating your contract.”

What the fuck?! This can’t be happening.Thoughts race through my mind, but nothing is coming out. He’s going to fuck me over. I should have seen this coming.

“Prices are rising for the club, and if I have to pay more money to keep the place that employs you open, then you will pay more too. We,” he motions to Ivan, who steps forward until he is standing a few feet away, but directly to my side, “have upped the interest to thirty percent.”

“How can you do that?” I’m very aware that my voice is loud, but there is no way he can get away with this. Thirty percent?! “You know I won’t be able to pay that.”

“That is such a shame,” his voice is very unapologetic. This man doesn’t care. Never make a deal with the devil. How many times have I heard that saying, and yet, here I am, sitting with the devil. “We could always find other ways for you to take some money off that loan.”

“I’ve told you a hundred times, Andrei, I’m not doing those things.” That’s his endgame. He’s trying to force my hand to give favors at the club. I should have known he’d find a way, but he probably doesn’t count on me refusing him, which is exactly what I’m doing.

“This is your last chance to reconsider my offer, Katia. You will pay back the new amount…” His voice has changed from smooth and charismatic to demanding and evil, “or you will find ways to take off more money from your loan total.”

This sick fuck!I stand from my seat. “No fucking way! I quit!” In my mind, I’ve already decided that I’ll suck it up and go to Natalia and Alexie for help. They don’t know the deal I have with Andrei, but they’re my best friends, and they’ll understand.

Andrei says nothing back, so I turn towards the door to find Ivan standing directly in front of it, blocking my path.

“Move the fuck out of my way!” He doesn’t budge and is looking over my shoulder toward Andrei. I turn around to face Andrei. “Tell your puppet to move. I quit, and I’m leaving.” He still says nothing, but he does nod his head.Good, I’m getting the fuck out of here.
