Page 70 of Exposed

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I place a kiss on the back of her shoulder. “Just so you know, I could never regret this in the morning. There is nothing about you that I will ever regret. I love you with everything I have, Katia,” I confess to her.

“I love you too, Nat,” she murmurs back. Within minutes she’s sound asleep in my arms.I could get used to this.

Unable to sleep because I’m still horny as fuck and just thinking about what Katia and I did causes more wetness to pool between my legs. I move from behind Katia and slide off the bed.

I need to find Alexie. He told me what he would do to me the next time I told him I was wet.


I’mfreshfromtheshower after sparring with Alexie and getting out all the pent-up anger. Even though things went well in Vegas, we still have to sleep with one fucking eye open. Hearing a knock at my door just as I finish sliding some sweats on, I walk to it while sharply wrapping my still wet hair up in a quick bun. Opening the door, I’m surprised to see Alexie standing there. I quirk an eyebrow at him in question, and he chuckles before answering. “Everyone else was busy working or having ‘girls’ night’. I don’t want to hang out alone, so I guess we are hanging out, Prince-y.”

I move to the side, motioning him in with one hand, and he walks in, plopping himself down in one of the two chairs that are at the foot of the bed in front of the TV mounted on the wall. “So you want to watch TV or something? I’m not good at this hanging with friends, Volkov.”

“Prince-y, during the cool-down of our fight earlier, you told me you had Mario Kart, and I told you I was champion with little toad man. Now, I’m here to prove it to you,” he tells me while crossing his arms, looking unimpressed that I forgot that he did, in fact, tell me that as we were doing our cool-down stretches.

I get up and grab the remote off the console under the TV, and hit the power button. Reaching into a basket in the cabinet, I grab out two controllers tossing one to Alexie. Sitting back down, I fire up the game, and we pick our characters. True to what he said, Alexie picks Toad right away; meanwhile, I go with the classic Luigi. Then as the screen pops up to pick our racetrack. Alexie right away shouts, “If you don’t pick the Moo Moo Meadow, I will stab you in the leg. That is the best track, Prince-y. Let’s go!” I stare at him in shock at how serious he is about this conversation. Chuckling, I click accept on Moo Moo Meadows, and we start our race.

We end up racing every track at least once and are currently tied in our wins. So this is the deciding race. The flag waves, and we start the race at Coconut Mall this time. We are on the final lap, and just as I’m about to pull forward in the lead and overtake that fucking Toad, he drops a banana, and I go spinning out. “You fucking bastard!” I yell while throwing the controller on the bed. He just laughs as he crosses the finish line. Shouting that he is still the champion.

I’m about to demand a rematch when my door flies open, and there stands Nat, asking if I’ve seen Alexie. I dart toward him, and she smiles, sauntering into the room. “Well, look at the two of you getting along like good little boys,” she purrs.

“Don’t get used to it, Luci. We were just playing a video game to settle a debate between us,” I explain.

“Come here,Malyshka, come sit on my lap and be my good luck charm,” Alexie coos as he pats his lap. Of course, like the good girlsheis, Luci walks over and sits on his lap, straddling him. She runs her hands over his hair and down around his cheeks. Cupping his face in her hands, she leans down to kiss him gently.

“I need to talk to you about Katia,” she whispers against his lips.

“Is it super important? Because I am about to show the Viking Prince here how to not get killed by Koopa Troopa shells all the time.”What a fucking asshole. It was ONE time!She nods her head, and he picks her up, setting her on the floor as he stands. Placing the controller back on the console, he grabs her and starts leading her toward the door. “We’re going to my room to talk,Malyshka.Let’s go.”

I grunt at their leaving before I can even stop them. Trying to cover up my irritation, I put everything back in its rightful place from our game marathon. I hear an audible sigh and turn to see Luci, with a hand on her hip, staring at me. “Come on,” she says, crooking a finger at me. “I don’t want you to think I’m keeping secrets. You’ve been warned, though, this thing with me and you, it’s still pretty new. I don’t want any issues where there shouldn’t be one, okay? I just need advice on something that happened tonight,” she says that last part and turns on her heels, striding from my room.

Quickly, I shut the TV and game off, ready to follow the deadly duo up to Alexie’s room. However, she makes it just outside the doorframe before she’s calling Alexie’s name, and they both come back into my room. Alexie sits back down in the chair he was in earlier while Luci lies on my bed on her back, looking at the ceiling.

I take my seat in the chair opposite Alexie. We stare at each other, waiting for this woman to say something, anything, but she just lays there with an arm over her head, quietly thinking. We look to the bed and then back to each other, confused when we hear. “Ugh. I don’t know how it happened or how to feel about what happened. God, I sound fucking ridiculous!” she groans.

Still utterly confused at what the hell this woman is going on about, I look at Alexie, who has the same expression on his face. “Malyshka, why don’t you tell us what happened first, so we know what you’re talking about?” he says, and Luci moves to a sitting up position sitting criss-cross on the bed.

“Okay, so Katia and I were having a girls’ night. We drank three bottles of wine and were watching movies, you know, just having an easy laid-back night. Then I kissed her, and she didn’t stop me,” she confesses.Holy shit! What the fuck is happening in this house tonight?

We say nothing, just trying to wrap our heads around what she just said. I wasn’t aware Luci was into women, and by the look on the Russian’s face, he must be in the same boat. Alexie opens his mouth to say something but then closes it. He opens it again, but before he can say anything, Luci has more to say. “I’m just so confused. I’ve never been attracted to women. Actually, I don’t think I am attracted to women, it’s just with Katia, it’s different. She’s been my best friend for years, and I’ve never thought of her that way, but when I lost her, I felt like…like when I lost you, Alexie. Then we got her back, and she told us on the plane she’s harbored these feelings for me for years.”What happened on the plane? What the fuck? “So we were drinking and having a good time, and it just felt right to kiss her, so I did. And Ilikedit.”

She’s looking at us, her eyes having this wide and wild look to them. Like she’s panicking and about to run from the room. I nod my head at her, just letting her know I’m okay, but I need a minute to understand everything she just said. Alexie, though, has no qualms about what she said. He claps his hands once and laughs. “So you got a little tipsy and made out with your best friend. Who cares,Malyshka?Just talk to her in the morning and move on. Easy,” he states like it’s no big deal.

“It was more than kissing,” she whispers as her eyes fill with panic. My eyes feel like they’re about to burst from my fucking skull.More than kissing? What exactly did our woman do?Before I can ask that exact question, I hear growling coming from my left. “Oh, really,Zaychik, and what did you do?” Alexie looks like he’s about to spank her ass raw for what she just said.Same, asshole, same.

“We explored each other’s breasts with our hands and mouths, then when she asked me if it was okay, I said it was more than fine.” She’s staring at us, eyes flicking back and forth between the two of us, and we just continue to stare back at her. “God, I did like the feel of her mouth on my tits, and her tits were nice too. But maybe I’m just drunk and in a booze frenzy, or maybe I just like Katia and not women? What do you two think?”

What do we think? I’m not sure how to process the fucking rant this woman just went on.

Alexie jolts out of his chair, prowling around the bed toward Luci, and I think he’s about to lose his fucking cool at her. Standing up, so I can handle his ass if he does, I follow him around the bed but try to give him space to see what he’s going to do. I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I like my Luci a lot, and I’m willing to ride this wave with her while she figures it out. I feel a sense of calm around her that I haven’t felt in years, and if that means I have to help her deal with her ‘shit’, then I guess I will.

Luci crawls over to the side of the bed closest to us, sitting up on her knees. She just stares at Alexie, eyes glistening with unshed tears as she waits for his next move. He snaps his hands out, grabbing her face. “So tell us, Natalia, did you come here to talk or to be fucked since your girl left you wanting?” He reaches his free hand down and rubs Luci’s pussy through the panties she’s wearing under her oversized shirt, making her moan. The scene makes my dick twitch in my sweatpants. “Maybe both,” he says, chuckling.

“I’ll tell you a few things, Natalia, then I’m going to fuck you with the Prince-y over here so hard you won’t be able to move tomorrow without feeling one of us between your legs. Understand?” She nods and sits down so that her ass is resting on the back of her legs. Her hands are placed on her thighs, and she is looking at Alexie expectantly.

“Maybe it doesn’t matter if you are attracted to men or women or even that bedpost over there. Maybe it’s all about the actual person and not what’s between their legs. You and Katia have been friends forever, and maybe you didn’t stop her tonight because you love her, and it has nothing to do with her being male or female.” He looks at her and lets that sink in for a minute, but then her eyes flick to me.

“I agree, Luci. I’m new to this, and well…I’ll learn how to navigate this whole thing alongside you. I think the Russian makes sense. You aren’t attracted to Katia because she’s a woman, you’re attracted to her because she is Katia, your best friend, and you thought you lost her forever. I think that just made your love for her even deeper. So if you feel comfortable doing more and being more with her, you need to talk to her. Just because you like her doesn’t change how I see you, nor does it take away what I feel for you. As long as you want me, I will be here, right beside you.”
