Page 72 of Exposed

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BJ swats her arm but bursts out laughing. “You are walking a tad gingerly, my dear,” BJ agrees.

“The entire football team? Really, Marcela? I thought we were friends,” I chastise her. They are both still laughing together. “There is something I want to talk to you both about, though. If you could stop laughing at me for a few minutes, that would be great, thanks,” I say sarcastically.

“Yes, of course. Whatever do you want to tell us?” BJ asks as they both stand up a little straighter.

I take a deep breath and hope they understand. “Let me first start with the reason I might walk so funny,” I start, and they lean over the counter a little more. “I ended up with both Alexie and King last night...” I pause for dramatic effect, their eyes light up and grow large in surprise.Like little old ladies getting their daily gossip.

“At the same time?” Marcela asks. I nod my head. “Damn, no wonder you walked in here the way you did.”

“Oh my gosh, was it like one in the front and then one in the back? Tell me who was where,” BJ demands as she takes a sip from her mug.

Anyone else would be appalled by this line of questioning, but it feels perfectly normal here. “So it was more like both of them…in the front,” I reply.

Marcela and BJ stare at me, puzzled, as though they’re trying to work out the logistics of what I just said. I can see BJ working it out a few moments later. “Wait? What? How did you even make that work?” BJ asks in a squealing voice. Marcela looks at BJ, hoping that she will give her the answer. BJ holds up both of her hands; with her left hand, she makes a circle with her index and thumb, and with her other hand, she holds up her index and middle finger while folding the rest. She then pushes her index and middle finger through the circle her left hand is making. BJ continues making a back-and-forth motion.

Marcela’s jaw drops, and she looks at me, saying, “Well, okay then. How was it?”

“Amazing, actually. I was unsure at first and felt some discomfort, but then I came so hard and fast. Today, as you can tell, I am a little sore. I think the more I do it, the less sore my body will be from that kind of stretch,” I tell them, surprising myself that I’m so open to these things now. Having more than one partner at a time was never something I dreamt about before joining this team, and now I wonder how I can find different ways to be with more of them. “I left Alexie and King in King’s bed this morning. They’re probably naked snuggling right now without even knowing it, or maybe they do.” With that, we all burst into fits of laughter.

“That’s not what I actually wanted to talk about, though,” I say, and they both perk up again. “I want to talk about Katia.

“Did something happen? Is she okay?” BJ asks.

“Not totally sure how to answer that,” I admit. “Something happened with Katia…” I pause before adding, “and me.”

Again, I pause to see if they can read between the lines, but they’re not getting it this time. “On the plane from Vegas, Katia admitted she has feelings for me and has for a while.”

“Oh,” BJ blurts out. “How do you feel about that?”

“I was shocked at first and knew our emotions were running high after everything that went down. We were just reunited after a year. I thought she was dead and grieved her. Now, she’s telling me she has feelings for me. At first, I thought I needed time to figure out how I feel, but apparently, I don’t,” saying this out loud to them, I am realizing that what I’m saying is true. I don’t think I need any time to figure out how I feel about Katia. I want to be with her, and have feelings for her.

“What does that mean?” Marcela asks.

“I want to be with Katia,” I admit, “but I also want to be with Alexie, King, Conrad, and Stryker. That sounds so crazy to say out loud, but that’s how I feel.”

They are both looking at me, and I swear I can see the gears turning in their brains, trying to make sense of everything. BJ speaks first, saying, “Sounds good to me. We,” she signals to her and Marcela, “knew from the beginning that there was something there with Stryker, Conrad, and King. Did I think it would be all three? Not at first, but then it became obvious.” Marcela nods in agreement. “No offense, but you are a lot of woman, and I say that in the best way possible, so I don’t see how one person can satisfy everything your every need,” BJ teases.

My body feels at ease knowing that they fully accept me. There is no judgment from them, and I know that worry should have never crossed my mind. Before I can thank them for being who they are, someone clears their throat behind me. I spin around to find Stryker leaning against the door frame. “Looks like I interrupted a deep conversation,” he deadpans, not giving away any indication if he overheard everything I said.

“Sure did, boss,” Marcela says as she stands up straight and walks over to the refrigerator. She opens it, pulling out a carton of eggs. “Breakfast?”

Thinking about breakfast makes my mouth salivate. Last night took a lot out of me, and I now realize that I’m starving. “Yes!” I exclaim loudly.

Marcela turns back to the refrigerator and starts pulling out bacon and some veggies. Stryker walks up behind me and plants a kiss on the side of my head. “Good morning, Little Fox,” he whispers before walking around the counter to the coffeepot.

After he fills up his coffee cup, he leans down, opens up a cabinet, and pulls out a frying pan. “Breakfast is on me today, ladies. How do omelets sound?” Stryker asks.

“Heavenly,” I reply.

“Boss making breakfast? I’m in,” Marcela says.

Marcela, BJ, and I make our way to the dining room after refreshing our coffees. We continue to make light conversation about what happened in Vegas before BJ discusses all the renovations she has planned for her and Lane’s new home. I’m so excited for her and Lane, they deserve to have some peace and happiness when this is all over.

The smell of bacon fills the dining room, and I can practically feel the drool dripping from my lips. The rest of the house must notice the scent as well because they all start to slowly filter into the dining room. First is Conrad, who comes in with his laptop in hand.Shocking.He sits in his usual spot and gets right to work typing away.

King and Alexie walk in at the same time, and I can’t help but smile at the thought of them waking up together…naked, without me there.I bet they kept cuddling.Alexie rounds the table and sits next to me. “The bed felt a little chilly after you left,” he says.

“I’m sure you were able to find another way to keep warm,” I say playfully as I turn my attention to King, who takes a seat across from me. He glares at me. “Was the cuddling session not to your liking, King?” I ask him.
