Page 74 of Exposed

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“Fine,” Alexie replies as they continue to walk, “but when I beat you again, you can no longer say we don’t know who the champ is.”

King and Alexie, both stop, turning to face Katia and me before they leave the room. “Are you coming?” King asks in a sharp tone.

“Me?” I ask him, looking at Katia and then back to King.

“Yes, you,” he confirms. “You need to be the referee to make sure the Russian doesn’t cheat.”

“I do not cheat, Prince-y,” Alexie refutes, “but I agree about making sure someone is there to witness my victory.” Alexie winks at me.

“Fine,” I say, defeated, as I turn to Katia, shrugging my shoulders and mouthingsorryto her. “I’m only doing this so that you don’t murder each other over a video game,” I tell them as I stand up from the couch.

“This is not just a video game,Malyshka,” Alexie chimes in, appalled. “This is to show who is the better man.”

“Whatever,” I say as I roll my eyes dramatically, walking past them to the stairs.

“Wait,” Alexie says, “I have a grand idea.”I bet it is.“The victor gets a prize from sweet Natalia, and the loser,” Alexie looks to King, “has to watch.”

King looks at him for a moment like he’s thinking about it. “Fine, but only because I know it’ll be me getting the prize,” he counters.

“Shouldn’t I have a say in this?” I ask them.

Alexie steps to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Are you saying you don’t want to be pleased, screaming my name while the Prince-y here watches? I remember how much you enjoy it when I watched you.”

Fuck. That sounds perfect.I look at Katia though, because we were in the middle of a serious conversation. “You should go ahead. I’m going to go find Conrad. I want to research some dance studios or spaces to open my own place,” she tells me. She lights up when talking about dancing.

I hurry back to Katia and wrap my arms around her. My lips firmly press to hers, and I dart my tongue out, forcing her lips to open. She responds by settling her hands on my hips, so her fingers curve around just enough to touch the top of my ass. Our tongues become entangled, and one of my hands moves up the back of her neck to her head, where I press her closer to me.

Katia pulls away first, and I want to complain, but then I see her eyes dart to where King and Alexie are standing, watching us. Alexie has a large grin on his face, while King looks like he’s ready to bend me over the couch. “I thought it would be weird to be with you in front of anyone, but I like it, “Katia whispers in my ear.

“Don’t tell them that,” I whisper back. “Or we will never be alone.” I pull Katia back in for an embrace, then step back. “I’ll find you later,” I tell her.

I turn away and walk back towards King and Alexie. “So what do I get if I win? Will I get to watch both of you?” I ask.

“Is that what you would like?” Alexie asks.

“No way,” King protests. “Not happening, Volkov.” I laugh but continue walking past them and up the stairs. They keep arguing as they follow me, and all I know is that I’m about to enjoy video games a little more.


Mygirllookedlost.She rushed out with Katia like her ass was on fire. Then Marcela is telling her to speak the truth.Did they disagree? What the hell is going on?Someone better clue me in soon.

Almost everyone has left the room at this point. King and Alexie left, arguing about Mario Kart. BJ and Stryker went to clean up the kitchen mess, I could still hear their voices trailing down the hall. I am so glad Marcela is still with me so she can fill me in on what’s going on with my girl, as she promised. I need to make sure she is okay, and I don’t like her stressing herself out.

“Soooooo?” I ask Marcela, looking at her as I shut my laptop and lay my hand down flat on top of it while placing my other hand on my chin.

“Oh, yeah,” she sighs at me. “Your girl is… how do I say this? Exploring herself and her feelings within this house.”

“What the fuck does that mean, Marcela? Is she having second thoughts about one of us or being with all of us now that she has Alexie and Katia back or something?” I spit out at her frantically.

“Oh, my god! No! Sorry, Conrad, I guess I worded that wrong. What I mean is with um…Katia.” She says, looking at me with raised brows expecting me to know exactly what she means.

I look back at her for a moment, kind of confused, but then it hits me like a brick. “Wait, you don’t mean…do you?”

Marcela lets out a small laugh and rolls her eyes at me. “If you’re thinking that she is getting feelings for her bestie,” she winks at me. “Then you would be correct, and she may have acted on those feelings a bit last night.”

I stand there for a minute, looking a little awestruck.

“Listen, I know this is a lot to take in, but she needs our support. She is still trying to deal with the feelings of having her best friend, who she thought was dead, back and is now confused by these new romantic feelings she is having towards her as well. Nat doesn’t need to feel like she has to worry about you guys too. We are all here to support and love her,” she tells me sternly.
