Page 83 of Exposed

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We stand up together and nod at one another. We head out of the office, making our way to where we can hear the fighting. Upon entering the makeshift living room, we see Stryker and Alexie still engaged in hand-to-hand combat withIvan. I can’t believe he is holding his own against Alexie and Stryker. I know Luci and Alexie were always cautious and warned us about him, but hearing it and seeing it are two totally different things.

I motion for Luci to stay in her place since no one has noticed we have entered the room yet. I’m going to sneak up on that prick and shoot him. Slinking my way behind him, I lift my weapon, lining up my shot. Before I can pull the trigger, I see him pull something from the pocket of his gaudy ass shirt. He slams it into Stryker’s neck, and Stryker goes down with a hand to the wound almost instantly.

A blood-curdling scream fills the room, and Nat is at Stryker’s side, checking him over. “What the fuck did you do,” she wails. Alexie grabs hold ofIvanby the throat and slams him to the ground. Once on top of him, he throws punch after punch into his face.Ivanwrestles his arms out from between Alexie’s legs, reaching up to grab him, and uses all his might to slam their heads together. Alexie roars back, holding his face that now has a huge gash across his forehead.

Alexie stands up and tries to wipe the blood off, smearing it across his face in the process. He is unsteady as he stands. I take the opportunity to throw a solid punch to the back ofIvan’shead. He spins to face me and giggles.Fucking giggles, the prick.“Finally come to play with the big dogs, huh, King?” he taunts.

He sends a kick to my side, but I block it and send him sprawling backward. I rush him and push him against the wall behind him. I punch him square in the face, and he smiles before spitting a tooth onto the floor beside us. He slams his arms against mine breaking my hold before he pushes his thumbs into my eye sockets. I groan out in pain before he pushes my head down while slamming his knee into my face.

Falling to the ground, I lay there looking at a disoriented Alexie, trying to fightIvanbefore I lose consciousness.

Wincing, I blink my eyes open, trying to take in where the hell I’m at. I turn my head from side to side and see I’m in a kitchen; one I’m assuming belongs to the apartment we were in earlier, but I didn’t clear that room Luci and Stryker did. I wiggle my hands and try to figure out why they’re trapped behind my back. Quickly, I realize my hands are tied to the chair. Moving on to trying to move my legs, I find that I can’t. They are also tied to the legs of the chair.

Looking around, I try to find Alexie, Stryker, or Luci.Oh fuck, Luci!Where is she? Last I saw her, she was hovering over Stryker’s body sobbing. Now, I’m tied to this fucking chair, alone in the dirty, musky-smelling kitchen. Hearing a creepy whistle coming from the hall, I turn my gaze in that direction and seeIvanstrolling into the kitchen with an unconscious Nat over his shoulder.

“Oh, goody, you’re awake,” he coos as he lays Nat’s body onto the kitchen table behind me. He comes and stands in front of me, getting in my face. “Your friends are dead or just knocked out, I’m not sure, and honestly, don’t really care,” he snorts.

“You fucking bastard, untie me and fight me like a fucking man!” I shout at him while rocking the chair back and forth, trying whatever I can to break free. He just laughs and leisurely strolls to the counter to the right of me. He grabs a pen and paper, writing some sort of note on it, humming as he works. When he seems to be done with his note, he opens a drawer to his left and pulls out a stapler. Crossing the gap between us quickly, he holds the note to my forehead and staples the fucking thing to my face.

Throwing the stapler across the room, he then pulls a syringe from his shirt pocket.How many syringes does he have stored on him? Christ!He plunges the needle into my neck, and I try to jerk out of his reach, but being tied to this chair is really fucking inconvenient. I feel veins in my neck burn with the intrusion of whatever he just injected me with. Feeling my eyelids growing heavy, I fight to keep them open.

I seeIvanpick up Luci’s limp body, holding her in front of him, admiring her like she’s a fucking doll. Then he leans in, licking up the side of her neck while grabbing a handful of her breast in his palm and squeezing while moaning. “You cunt! Let her go! If one hair on her head is out of place, I’ll dissect you while you’re still alive!” I yell at him. But it’s no use; he just laughs, throwing her over his shoulder, and turns to leave the room. The last thing I see before I once again lose myself to the darkness is Luci’s head bobbing over his shoulder asIvancarries her from the room.
