Page 101 of One Kind Heart

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When they finally could get off the ice, Dakota bought them hot chocolates. A light snowfall had started, but it wasn’t arctic out so they took a stroll to Brenton Park before going home.

Dakota led Leah to the bench where he’d first asked her out in September. Where she’d first refused to go on a date with him.

Silly me.What had made her think she’d be able to resist him? Hewasthe town Golden Boy and she loved everything about him. Especially how he made her feel.




She understood that life was still unpredictable and unfortunate things happened to people all over the globe every day. She also understood that a life without love wasn’t worth protecting. Humans were made to love and she wanted joy like that in her life.

She wanted the special joy only Dakota could bring her.

“It’s so pretty here with the snow falling on the lake.” She sipped her hot chocolate. “I feel as if we’re in a snow globe.”

“I’ve always liked snow globes. The little worlds inside them always look so perfect.”

Leah cuddled up next to Dakota. “This, right here, looks perfect to me.”

“Then it’s probably a good time to do this.”

Dakota set his hot chocolate down on the bench beside him. He reached into his coat pocket and before Leah could catch up to the moment, he was on one knee in the snow in front of her.

“Marry me, Miss Greenstead.” He held up a ring that sparkled like snowflakes in streetlights. “Marry me and let’s have the greatest adventure of our lives.”

She wiggled her finger for him to put the ring on it then launched herself at him. They both tumbled into the snow and she covered his bearded face with kisses.

“Mr. and Mrs. Adventure,” she said between kisses. “I like the sound of that.”

Life was an adventure after all, and now Leah had the perfect partner to enjoy it.
