Page 27 of One Kind Heart

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“You’re our waiter?” Dakota asked.

“Special treatment for special guests.”

“Thanks,” Dakota said.

“I was talking to Leah.” Kyle clamped a hand on Dakota’s shoulder and jostled him.


Ignoring him, Kyle said, “Perhaps I can start by finding you a new date, Leah.” He swiveled his head, searching the restaurant.

“No, no,” Leah said. “This one will do. I mean, he’s already sitting here.”

“Ah, she takes mercy on you, Dakota. Lucky man.” Kyle took their order and hustled off to the kitchen.

Dakota was happy to be alone with Leah again, but two seconds later, he heard his name called. His sisters pushed into the booth on his side, making him have to slide way over toward the wall. They intentionally squished him, the brats.

“Hi,” they both said at the same time to Leah.

“I’m Dena and this is Jacy.”

“My sisters,” Dakota said. “My annoying sisters who I didn’t invite on this date.” He nudged Dena who was right next to him.

“Told you,” Jacy said to Dena.

“Okay, okay,” Dena said. “You were right.”

“Right about what?” Leah asked, clearly amused and not annoyed by his sisters’ presence.

“That our dear brother here was on a date,” Jacy said. “He always picks this booth when he’s on a date.”

Dakota cringed when Leah shot her gaze to him.

“Use this booth a lot, do you?” she asked.

He opened his mouth to answer, but Dena cut in, glancing at Jacy. “You know, I don’t think he’s been here since Jenny.”

“Or was it Lucy?” Jacy tapped her index finger against her lips in thought.

“Maybe it was Stephanie.” Dena held her hand up as if to count on her fingers.

“Oh my god.” Dakota reached over and pulled Dena’s hand to her lap. “You twomusthave somewhere else to be.”

The light in Leah’s eyes, though, made him see she was thoroughly entertained by his sisters’ antics. And that light looked good on her. As if whatever made her be so cautious around him was loosening up a bit.

“Do we have somewhere to be?” Dena asked Jacy.

“Yes, we do.” Jacy looked around Dena to see Dakota. “The Ripley brothers are buying us dinner.”

“The Ripley brothers? Since when are you two interested in them?”

“Since they came into the sawmill after their construction project was complete and brought us both flowers,” Jacy said.

“Yeah, and a separate bouquet for each of us too,” Dena said.

“Splurged, did they?” Dakota shook his head. “Just watch out. They’ve always struck me as smooth talkers.”

“You would know, Smooth Talker President.” Dena jabbed him in the bicep before turning to Leah again. “So nice meeting you, Leah.”
