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He hugged me, and at first, I didn’t want to hug him back, but I gave in. He only tried to put the fire back in me. I wasn’t ready to think of death.

Dad was doing better, but he still needed a kidney. No amount of money could change that or provide a match. Some things did rely on fate. The only good thing was the constant treatment from his new medical team. Mom said he was back to his Three Bridges Park trail walk. But she was still trying to keep the bills down by working extra shifts at Wholesale.That reminds me, I have more money to send her.

“How about a swim?”

“No trunks.”

“You can use one of Paul’s.”

I went to his closet, which had a few items of clothing. My one hope was that he left things here because he wanted to be in my life. Still, he promised to open his life to me. Xander was right, though; we were still new.

I started to take off my clothes and remembered I had no underwear. Paul had left the instruction I couldn’t wear any today. “Be right back.” I changed into a swimsuit and found he’d given me a tiny new bikini. My others were gone.

Xander whistled when I returned. “We’re doing a family swim, not a porn shoot.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

“Damn, you’re keeping it tight. That swimsuit tells me everything I want to know. You’d never choose to show that much skin yourself. Paul’s a dirty control nut. I’m envious.”

We swam for a while before eating the rest of the perogies. Later, Ben took Xander home, leaving me to shower and work on my dress before Paul’s call.

I settled on a tunic for bed, taking the present with me.

Butterflies exploded in my stomach the second Paul appeared on my computer screen. He never failed to blow me away with his gorgeousness. He hadn’t shaved and had stubble on his jaw. His shirt was salmon-colored, and he’d rolled up his sleeves. He appeared at a desk with an incredible view of the mountains behind him. “Where are you?”

“My house in Paradise Cove.”

“It looks beautiful there.”

“I enjoy the house, but I also work here. There’s a recording studio on the lower level.”

I propped myself on my elbow. “What is it like to be rich and live anywhere you want to?”

“I’m fortunate, but I don’t know what it’s like to live any other way.”

“Oh.” I bit my lip.

“I didn’t mean that snobbishly. It’s been that way in my family for generations. How are your designs coming along?”

I picked up my phone and sent a couple of photos of the dress I’d shown Xander earlier.

His smile broadened when he received the images. “Brilliant. Keep it up.”

“How’s the music coming along?”

“Better than before. Bijou and a few other artists are taking on the songs I worked on in Paris.”

Paul hadn’t changed his mind about cutting Linux out.

I glanced down at the keyboard. “I don’t want to forget who I am.”

“You’remysexy Nadia Sokol. I want you to be happy at the Hudson. It would make me happy to know you’re enjoying yourself there. Please, try for me, Nadia.”

I laughed and touched my face. “I miss you, Paul.”

“What do you miss, Nadia?”

I gave him a toothy grin. “Everything.”
