Page 6 of A Reason to Stay

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“Last chance, Sugar.” Drew brushed a thumb across my bottom lip. “Last chance to walk away and keep whatever innocence you have left. Because I guaran-damn-tee you won’t have a shred of it left by the time I’m done with you.”

My stomach flipped. “Promise?”

His answer was a deep, rumbling growl. He took my hand and led me towards his room.

Inside, I set my purse on the little desk by the door, and began to shrug off my jacket, but Drew came up from behind me, and caught my hands. I looked down at our hands, mine dwarfed in his. They were warm and rough from years of work. Standing directly behind me, he held me against his body, and I felt his firm chest and the hardness in his jeans. He dipped his head and pressed his lips firmly right under my ear, slowly kissing down my neck. His breath tickled my skin and the firmness of his kiss made my stomach clench in excitement.

He took over the task of removing my jacket, setting it on the table beside my purse. His hands dropped to my waist where he edged his fingers under the hem of my t-shirt, barely touching my skin. His lips moved, and he left a trail of kisses down my shoulder and towards my arm.

I couldn’t help but move against him. My hips rocked and shifted as he gently brushed his fingers against my skin, and I lifted my arms as he began to pull my shirt up. I felt like we were performing some secret dance that we both knew, but hadn’t remembered until now.

Drew lifted my shirt one inch at a time. I could feel the heat of his breath on the back of my neck as he slowly pulled it off and let it fall to the floor. He sighed in satisfaction as he looked down at my breasts.

“Maria… you’re gorgeous, Sugar.”

I opened my mouth to answer but it came out as a sigh as his hands tightened around my waist. One of them inched up towards my breast, and he squeezed it gently.

“Let’s take this off… let’s take thisalloff.”

His hands came away from me and unsnapped my bra. I practically shook the thing off me, and then dropped my hands to my jeans, struggling out of them. I needed his hands backon me again as soon as possible. I was momentarily distracted by the sight of him unbuttoning his shirt, but I hurried to kick off my pants. He was still fighting with the buttons on his shirt, unfocused and unable to make much progress because his eyes were glued to me. Finally freeing myself from my pants, I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him against me, crushing my mouth against his.

Drew made love to my mouth with his lips and his tongue. He was firm, slow, and demanding. We breathed together, tasted together. He dragged a soft moan from my mouth with a caress of his lips, tenderly exploring me, letting his tongue run along the roof of my mouth. Our teeth clashed against each other as he opened his mouth wider, and he sucked on my tongue. My stomach clenched, letting out an embarrassingly desperate sound.

I’d never been kissed like this. This one kiss was more intimate and more sensual than anything I’d ever experienced in my life.

Suddenly I felt like a virgin all over again. The boys I’d hooked up with before were sloppy, rushed, and selfish with their touches. Drew was worshiping me with his mouth, and we’d barely even started.

I finally won the battle against the buttons on his shirt. My hands ran up and down his chest, exploring the mountains and valleys of his toned body. I relished his low groan as my fingers dipped lower. All the while, he was relentless in his kiss. His arms wrapped around me, one hand pressing into the small of my back and the other working his fingers into my hair.

Tugging at my hair, he pulled my face away from him. “Woman,” he growled. “Let me get my damn pants off. Get on the bed.”

“I could kiss you all day,” I whispered.

“Let me inside you, and I’ll kiss you all night.”

I snaked my arms around his neck and kissed him while he walked us back towards the bed and he fought with his belt and his pants. We shuffled awkwardly backwards until the backs of my knees hit the bed, forcing me to sit down. I kept my arms behind me to prop myself up, smiling as I watched him finish undressing. He was just as gorgeous as I’d imagined.

He pushed his pants down, kicking them off his ankles and standing in front of me completely naked, and…Sweet. Baby. Jesus.

“Oh,” I breathed. “That… that’s what you meant.”

He said he’d ruin me for other men. I took that to mean he was a good lover, not that he would literallybreak my bodywith the monstrosity hanging off his hips.

I met his eyes. That terrifying intense stare was back, and he looked like he was going to eat me alive. For all I knew, he would.

Drew kept my eyes as he went to his knees at the foot of the bed. Grabbing my ankles, he pulled me to the edge of the bed, spreading my knees wide as he did so.

“Lay back, Sugar.”

“What… what are you going to do to me?”

He was still staring at me. A slow smile graced his face. “Lay back and find out.”

“You’re going to… kiss me?” I whispered. “There?”

He nodded.The idea of his face between my legs made my breath catch.

“You… have done this before, right Sugar?”
