Page 23 of Collide

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My favorite part was Mason and I’s runs. Every morning, okay maybe late morning, early afternoon, we would run the path we took in high school, the houses and trees the same yet slightly different.

“I’m glad you kept your promise to Asher.”

“What do you mean?” Mason asks as he eyes me with suspicion.

“About living with him. I was afraid you’d back out and live with Sienna.”

“Nah, I wouldn’t do that to Asher. We talked about living together all through high school. Besides, we renewed our lease early because our landlord gave us a deal.”

“Is Sienna still upset?”

“Yeah, but she’ll get over it.” Mason sighs. “She’s exhausting lately and we’re not even in the same city.”

“Do you love her, Mase?”

“Yeah, I mean, I think I do.”

“It’s okay if you don’t.”

“I don’t know, Mads. Why you asking?”

I shrug. “I don’t ask much about your relationships because I don’t want to pry but it’s been almost a year now. So I figured she must mean something to you.”

“She does. Things are just…complicated, you could say.”

“Another good reason you’re still living with Asher.”

“Definitely not ready to go there with her though I thought about it for a quick minute.”

I blow out a sigh of relief. “Keep remembering why it’s not a good idea. And don’t forget life’s too short to waste time. Have fun instead.”

Mason gives me a duh look. “I know, Mads. But while we’re on the topic, is there a special someone in your life?”

“No.” I say it even though it’s a lie. A big fat lie that easily slides off my tongue like butter. Not that Asher and me are anything but he’s someone special to me even if I might not be for him. “Classes keep me busy enough.”

“Maybe take some of your own advice, Mads. Life’s too short. So stop studying so much.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay football star.” I tease.

“Okay hot shot lawyer.”

I toss a pillow at his head and our laughter fills the room, just like it did when we were kids.

What would I do without him?



“Can you believe we’re already juniors?” I ask as I look around the apartment I’m subletting from Tyler. I couldn’t be more excited. Not that I didn’t love living with Lo, I’m just happy for her and Tyler and I’m looking forward to my own space.

So far it’s all worked out perfectly. And the best part? I finally feel like I can breathe with only four major classes this semester.

“Our college years are flying.” Mason places two boxes down next to the couch. “Only two years left before we have to really start acting like adults.”

I ignore Mason’s comment as I’m too wrapped up in my own excitement. I wiggle on my tip toes, and bounce in place and try to take it all in. My mind automatically goes right to decorating and stringing twinkle lights along the ceiling.

This apartment came fully furnished so I didn’t need to bring my furniture and in turn, I gave Mason my bed and let Chloe have the living room and dining room furniture we shared before. It makes moving a hell of a lot easier without loads of furniture to lift.
