Page 50 of Collide

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“Asher, hey. You can call me John, if you’d like. But yeah, not too good, how about yourself?”

“Same. This really sucks.”

He blows out a breath. “I know. And another thing that’s gonna suck is gathering his things. But it’s gotta be done. I don’t think Cindy is strong enough to come with me, so do you mind if I come by tomorrow?”

As I pull into the parking lot at work and back into a spot, the weight of what he’s asking me descends over me like a black rain cloud.

I knew it was coming. They want their son’s stuff and I can’t blame them.

But with all his stuff gone- how can I even stay there?

It’s like he’s erased from our apartment, from my life, and fuck. It’s not fucking fair. But I can’t tell his dad no, either.

“Sure. I have class in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon.”

“Perfect. Thanks Asher.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Alright see you tomorrow.”

“Wait, Mr. Blackwe—I mean, John?”


“I’m sorry to ask this, it’s probably none of my business, but is Madison alright? I mean, I haven’t seen her around campus, and she doesn’t answer my texts much. I’m just…worried, you know?”

“She’s okay. I mean, as best as she can be, but we’re keeping an eye on her. Thank you for your concern, though.”

“Anytime. Bye, John.”

“Bye Asher.”

I end the call but I don’t feel much better about Madison. Does John just think she’s okay? Is that what she’s telling him when really she isn’t okay at all?

I mean, I know she’s notokay. None of us are. But I want to make sure she’s taking care of herself, or at least eating.

The next day when John arrives, I still haven’t heard from Madison and I texted her twice last night and this morning. I don’t want to ask John again so instead I distract myself with helping.

Physically going through his things is a lot harder than I thought.

Every shirt, or knick knack, or picture brings back a memory and plunges my head into darkness.

No more drunk antics on the beach.

No more drunk pranks on Madison.

No more football games and cheering Mason on.

No more late night drives talking about the meaning of life and all that shit.

No more anything Mason.

“Are you going to continue living here?” John asks as he folds a shirt and places it in a box.

“For now, yeah. We signed a lease that doesn’t expire until May.” I doubt I’ll find anything now considering we’re a month into the semester.

“I’ll pay for Mason’s half each month.” He announces.
