Page 170 of Only Just Begun

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They preened.

“I wonder who will marry next?” Miss Marla added in a not-too-subtle hint.

“Stop that,” he heard Mandy hiss.

He rested her hand on his thigh like he’d seen so many couples do. He was part of that now. The little things that a man and woman in love shared. He wanted more of it. A lifetime, he’d come to realize.

“We’ll get to it, don’t you worry,” Ted said calmly.

Mandy’s head spun from her aunts to look at him.

“They’re just being nosey, don’t mind them.” She looked flustered, her cheeks pink.

She’d changed so much, but his sweet Mandy Robbins was still very much in there. He did things that shocked her all the time, especially when they were alone. But he knew she’d always keep her innocence; it was the part of her he loved most.

“I love you, sweetheart. We will marry, I just don’t want to rush you.”

“Oh… I, well yes.” He watched her haul in a breath. “I mean, I love you too, of course, but I won’t have you pressured into something.”

“Good to know you have my back.” He tugged her closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“Aww, will you two get a room? That shit is getting old.”

They turned to find Luke and Fin behind them.

“Jealousy is ugly in middle-aged men,” Ted drawled. He then kissed Mandy again.


“Did I hear you swearing, Fin Hudson?”

“No, Miss Sarah, it was Luke.”

“I doubt that. He’s as sweet as my Mandy.”

“I’m sweet. You told me so on Tuesday when I came in for my scone.” Fin put on a hurt boy look.

“Ssssh, the music is starting,” Miss Marla said.

The wedding of Aunt Jess to Mr. Goldhirsh went off without a hitch. The groom read his bride a poem, and she, all the women, and a few men cried. She wore a simple pale blue dress with her long hair sprinkled with flowers, and he wore a silver suit. The cheer when they turned to face the guests was deafening.

“I think we should do it like this. Just friends and family, nice and small so my family can’t make an event out of it.”

“I don’t want to rush you, Ted. There’s plenty of time; we haven’t known each other that long.” The words tumbled out one on top of the other. Mandy talked like that when she was nervous.

While around them the guests went to congratulate the newlyweds, Ted looked down at the woman he loved.

“I’ve known you for years, Mandy. I may not have loved you for that long but there was always something there. And you can’t rush me into doing anything I don’t want to. Surely you’ve realized that by now?”

“That’s true.”

“I don’t want to spend nights going between our beds. I want to wake up with you in our bed. I want to start a future together.”

“Me too.”

“Marry me, Mandy Robbins.”

“Oh.” She pressed a hand to her mouth to stop the tears. “Yes!”

“She said yes!”

Easing Mandy out of his arms, he turned to find Mrs. L behind him, beaming.

“No going back now,” Mandy said with tears in her eyes.

“Never.” He kissed her again, right there in front of everyone, and Ted had never been


* * *
