Page 10 of His Christmas Vixen

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“Who is messaging you that much? Is it my sister? Is she all right?” I question.

“Uh, no. Don’t worry about it.”

Instantly, my instincts to protect and pry are on high alert. “Hanna, don’t play me for a stupid man.”

She moves off me and starts toward her phone. But she keeps her front facing me as she backs up to the side table that her phone sits on. She looks like I put the fear of God in her, and I set into motion.

“Don’t make me be the crazy fiancé who has to check your phone. What’s wrong, puppet?”

Grabbing the cell, she places it behind her back and shakes her head briskly.

“Hanna. What is it? Is it Brenda? You? Do I need to worry?”

“No, it’s not that big of a deal.”

“You think I don’t notice the pulse in your neck or see the way your eyes clouded with worry? Don’t lie to me.”

“Fine,” she exhales after a good amount of time. "There is this man. He comes into work.” We are not off to a good start. “He started harassing me, and then he got my number, and after we told him he can no longer shop at the store, he hasn’t left me alone. It’s not that big of a deal. He will get bored soon.”

As I cock my head, the bones crack and pop with the movement. I can practically taste the blood in my veins; that’s how big of a fucking deal it is.

I grab the phone, and she tries to get it back, but my height has her at a disadvantage.

You think anyone wants you? I was just being nice.

How comical that you’d think I’d want you.

Answer me.

You prick tease.

Fuck, I bet you like this. The chase.

You and Brenda must be soaking wet with all this foreplay.

The messages get more insulting, then back to vulgar, and I nearly crack Hanna’s phone in my hand.

“Not a big deal, Hanna? How long has this been going on?” I turn to face her. My hairs are standing on end, and I fill with rage. This makes me just as furious as the last time it happened. The vulgarness, the heinous comments the man’s been making, they aren’t from just run-of-the mill annoyance. This is harassment and, believe me, stalking.

“A couple months.”

Her response is everything I did not want to hear. Would any response have been one I’d be okay with? No. Because someone is stepping into uncharted water—my water. My territory. My woman. My puppet. And her lack of telling me is a new level of betrayal.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, then full on rubbing at my eyes, I try to rein myself in.


“Name?” I ignore her.


“His name, Hanna. Now.” The tremble in my voice causes her to step back slightly.


Running my hand through my hair one more time, my eyes focus on her. "Bed, now. Naked. Knees. Ass in the air.”

“Wait… what? Theo, what is happening?”

I step up to her slowly, prowling. Now, mere inches from her, I cup her chin. “I’m going to deal with the problem, and you are going to go upstairs and await your punishment.”

“Punishment? For being harassed? How is that my fault?”

Trailing my hand down to her throat, I grip it hard. “No, punishment for hiding this from me and not letting me protect you from danger. Again. I killed for you once. Don’t think I won’t do it again.”

“Theo, he hasn’t hurt me. He won’t. You can’t kill him for harassing me.”

“No, but I can put the fear of God and the devil in him so he will leave you alone. He won’t want to take it further, which is what should have happened in the beginning. Now, up the fucking stairs,” I bark and release her. Her eyes well with tears, and she looks afraid of me. Now suddenly in that moment, I beg her to say it. Our safe word.

“Sirius,” she whispers, and I turn, yelling into the room.


“Theo, listen, I know I should have told you, but if you’re going to protect me and have me on edge, I don’t want to be those people in the bedroom.”

“You hid this.”

“Well, look at you!” she yells back, and I drop my head, placing my hands on my hips and thinking about what to say next.

It hits me then. “I almost lost you to another fucking psycho like this one, baby. You get that, don’t you? You see why I’m so hurt?”

She nods slowly, but we don’t get close. “I know, and I shouldn’t have hidden it from you, but can we do this the right way? Can we turn off the phone tonight and handle this with the police when we get home? I don’t need you to save me. I need you to remind me.”

“Remind you of what?” I step toward her, my brows drawn in with desperation. I will do whatever she asks me to, to make this better.
