Page 122 of Tainted Rose

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I grit my teeth and struggled to calm myself. I felt Ryuu’s arms leave me before his body pressed against me from behind; his arms returned to my waist before he rested his head against my shoulder, whispering in my ear.

“Mako, I can calm you down using my gift if you need it.”

I pondered on his statement, remembering the time I’d woken up from my nightmare, his chest glowed a bright, sapphire blue.

“Okay,” I agreed, realizing my anger wouldn’t settle; not with the idea of that man walking around and our fairy shifter carrying such a heavy burden.

A calm wave went through me as my back felt warm, Ryuu’s markings on his chest the culprit of such sensation.

My shoulders dropped as I relaxed; the anger that was once furious and ready to destroy dissipated. I leaned into his embrace, feeling a tad weak. I’d taken off the bracelet Karen had given to me to wear for safety, in case I needed to protect myself if Marcus and I were separated.

“Easy, Firefly,” he soothed before lifting me up, lowering me into the chair near the fireplace to rest.He knelt down; his left hand rose to rest on his chest as he looked up at me. “Princess. I and my host swear that justice will be served. Let’s get to Heila and once everything’s settled with introductions that will be on the top list of priorities.”

I nodded. “Fine. Sorry for losing control like that,” I apologized.

“It warms my heart that you care for us so dearly that you’d respond in such a way, Princess,” he praised before bowing his head and retreating.

Marcus opened his eyes, smiling softly at me.

“Don’t worry Makoto. We’ll deal...with...” He began, but trailed off, frowning as he gave me a confused expression.


“I can’t believe this. Now out of all times,” he grumbled before rising back up to his feet, his face scrunched in anger.

“What’s wrong?”

“We need to head back. There’s a situation that needs your attention, or I should say forgiveness. The rain should stop in a few minutes.” He helped me rise before we began gathering our belongings.


The rain stopped, and we packed everything up in silence. Thanks to the log-made car port and Marcus’ bringing a motorcycle cover, his bike was safe and dry from the storm.

I didn’t like the quiet atmosphere, the fear of not knowing what this situation was had my anxiety growing with each minute that passed. I decided to ask a random question.


“Yes, Firefly.”

“Why does Ryuu know so much about sex?”

His cheeks flushed as his eyes focused on putting the helmet on my head.

“Well—” He began, but was cut off, glowing eyes peered into my shocked expression.

“You sure are good at the element of surprise.” I commented, shaking off my shock.

“I like seeing your expression. It’s amusing and kinda hot.” He confessed with a smirk, making me blush.

He leaned in till his lips were inches away from my ear.

“Dragon spirits are a little wilder in that department. We like it fast, rough and daring. It doesn’t hurt to know a lot in the pleasure department. It can come in handy.” He bit my ear lightly, tugging at it. I closed my eyes, moaning at the sudden contact.

Dammit, how does he turn me on so quickly?

I opened my eyes to face his seductive smirk.

“It pains me that we have to leave due to such hindrances, but mark my words Firefly, we’ll have our playtime. Tell Lex—”
