Page 134 of Tainted Rose

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“Dammit, why can’t I find this stupid orb! That headmaster said it was going to be easy. But where is it!”

I frantically continued my search; my eyes searched for the black orb I was required to retrieve to pass this exam.

I have to find this Orb. I need to pass this exam. I can’t afford to fail. Mama would cry in the sky above for me failing…yet again.

I’d never been good at anything; always struggled to achieve all of my goals. I didn’t know what I had done in my past life, but I was plagued with such bad karma that I wondered if I should even have goals. I never achieved them, but this was the first time I was so close to becoming a knight.

Sure, I still had one more rotation before the final exam, but as long as I passed this I’d have the motivation to do better – to become a graduate of Knightwood. At least it didn’t matter that I was a red rank. I could still graduate, though the jobs available for my rank would be shitty jobs like a waste collector.

I would make my mom proud. She’d finally get to see her son become victorious and walk proudly with such a title to our name. It wasn’t her fault we were poor. She was the hardest working person I knew, down to her very last breath, but I would bring prosperity to our family name, removing the disgrace that clings to me wherever I went.

I looked around the clearing again before another round of curses escaped me.Dammit, where is it! I don’t have time!

“It seems you need some help, Leonardo.”

I jumped at the calm tone as I looked over my shoulder.

“Professor Sepherant? What are you doing here? I thought you resigned?” I was confused to see his perfect appearance; his tailored suit didn’t reflect a wrinkle; his hands behind his back as he smiled at me. His eyes were what always scared me; those light purple eyes held a load of mystery to them and gave me the creeps.

“One can never get a break. The professor assigned to your exam bailed. He said he didn’t want to waste time supervising such a disgrace of a shifter. I guess he’s another one who hates on the Dulro’s family name.”

I gritted my teeth as a growl vibrated against the walls of my throat; the piteous expression on Professor Sepherant face only made me angrier.How dare that professor say such things? He knew nothing but rumors and lies.

“Thus, the headmaster summoned me for my aid. I was already in the town nearby. My servant needed to pick up some arts and crafts from that famous, jewellery store, when I got the message. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to help you out. I see how much you want this Leonardo. So, I’ll be kind enough to do this.”

His hand moved from his back, revealing a medium, black orb which shimmered in the light that peeked through the thick fog.

“You found it! Are you sure? This isn’t a trap, right?” I questioned, my suspicions overthrown with joy.I would pass.

“It’s not a test. I’m not held against their rules, remember? The fog is thick enough, so they won’t notice anything. Take it now,” he pushed, smiling.

I rushed over, taking the orb from his gloved hands as I took a moment to appreciate its sleek appearance before looking up to my savior. “Thank you, Sir. May Starlight bless you for such kindness.”

“No worries, Leonardo. To prevent the darkness, we must do kind to one another. I’ll give you one more tip before you go. I suggest you take the longer route back down instead of the way you came. I hear there are a few traps awaiting your return.”

Ugh, those bastards always have to make my exam harder compared to everyone else. I bet they did it on purpose, too.

“Thank you, Sir. I’ll take the longer route! I’ll be on my way. Makoto’s waiting, and I don’t want to delay.”

“Makoto, you say? I haven’t seen her in awhile. She’s at the bottom of the mountain?” he questioned, his eyes filled with concern.

Of course, he was concerned like all the professors at Knightwood with their fascination for the first female, pink rank. They heard an accident occurred during the exam, leaving Makoto in critical condition. I bet he was concerned for her well-being, especially with her helping me.

“Yes. She agreed to help me. I’ll be on my way Sir. Thank you, once again.” I bowed.

“No, Leonardo. Thank you. All the best.” He bowed, making me blush. No one ever showed such courtesy to me.

“I’ll be off. Farewell, Professor Sepherant.” I turned and began to run; the longer route would take me at least ten minutes if I ran the whole way. I didn’t mind, feeling energized at my dream being in reach.

One more rotation and I’ll live my dream.


