Page 22 of Tainted Rose

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Did I drain them to the point of them ascending to the gods? I shouldn’t have pushed them to such limits. Did they truly leave me?

Before I could continue, I felt the four spirits crowd my head at once, causing me to flinch.

“You can’t get rid of us that easily,” Rose mumbled.

“Aww, she missed us,” Lexi cooed.

“Mako, you’re okay! I missed you. Ignore those two.” Hope beamed happily.

“Welcome back Makoto. We’re proud of you for not giving up. We love you,” Lily confessed, softly.

Though their voices varied from relieved to joy, I could sense their exhaustion. Ryder smiled at me.

“I guess they answered that question,” he confirmed, smirking.

I nodded, allowing my head to rest against his chest. I felt tired, wanting to rest, but afraid to lose more time with Ryder.

His hand stroked my cheek; my eyes opened to stare at him. His eyes lingered on my lips, before he leaned forward, kissing me softly.

This kiss felt different. We weren’t eager to deepen it or rub our hands along each other. We stayed very still; Ryder leaned above me as I relaxed against the bed. The kiss was light, small kisses pressed against my lips as we held one another. I could sense his hesitation, treating me like a fragile object – the slightest slip prompting me to fall to the ground, shattering into pieces.

His body felt tense with worry, probably still concerned about my well-being, but as we continued kissing one another, holding each other to secure our combined warmth, his body relaxed. When we finally pulled away, he kissed my forehead before facing me.

“Makoto, you know what this means?” he questioned, his face lit up with happiness and determination. I frowned at his question, tilting my head.

“I don’t know…we get an overdue vacation,” I mumbled.

“No Firefly, though we do need a long ass vacation after the shit we just went through,” he admitted, chuckling lightly.

My heart felt slightly warmer as I listened to his laugh.

He smiled wickedly, before continuing. “We’re ghosts, Mako. Blair Aspen thinks were dead, all of us. It’s the perfect opportunity for us to return to Heila undetected and without risking your safety. Everything falls into place.”

I felt my spirits all rejoice, allowing myself to enjoy the overwhelming happiness that wanted to explode. We we’re the first to walk away from King Aspen’s clutches, underhandedly surviving his plans to destroy us. As the word ghost lingered in my mind, I couldn’t ignore the temptation any longer.

“Casper the friendly ghost, the friendliest ghost you know!” I began to sing, giggling at Ryder’s expression as he sighed.

“Babe, you always know how to ruin a moment. I’m banning you from chilling in Marcus’ room. All he’s doing is converting you into a shifter of Earthala.” He groaned, turning himself in a quick movement; his hands pinned me to the bed as he loomed over me, cutting my giggle fit short as my body clenched in desire. I could see the passion and underlying motive in his hooded Tyrian eyes, awakening my sudden cravings for him.

“Makoto?” He whispered; his voice low and husky as he leaned forward. His lips brushed against mine.

“Yes Ryder?” I whispered back, biting my lip to hold back from pressing my lips against his. The corner of his lips curled, a captivating smile forming on those luscious lips I craved for as he pressed his forehead against mine.

“I love you,” he confessed, kissing me lightly on the lips. I smiled against his lips, allowing my hands to wrap around his neck, pressing myself against him.

“I love you too, Ryder Carter,” I whispered, kissing him back.

I didn’t know what the stars had in store for myself and my star knights, but the unknown didn’t scare me anymore. All I needed to do was follow the path towards the light, with my loved ones by my side.

No matter what hardships we’d be forced to face, the light would guide us home. Thank you, dear Starlight gods, for the people in my life. Thank you for never giving up on me…on all of me. I am yours to use to fight such darkness…to prevent anyone else from enduring such tragedy and despair. Help me, so I can bring salvation to all those trapped in the dark.

In stars, we trust.

* * *

“Can we go back home?” I whispered against Ryder’s chest.

I was currently cradled against his chest under the white blankets. It was three in the morning, and I was attempting to keep myself awake. Ryder had tried waking up the boys, but they seemed to be deep in sleep.
