Page 73 of Tainted Rose

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I shrieked as she flung me over her shoulder with ease, walking back towards the house. “ELI! Hey, I can walk myself!” I yelled.

“You were just complaining about the death inducing prickling grass and now you can walk. Too late, you just gotta enjoy the ride.” She continued forward, ignoring my light pounds against her back.

“MEW!” Nighty ran to us from the open glass door, clinging to Eli’s jeans before climbing her way up to her unoccupied shoulder. She poked her head out from Eli’s straight locks before small mews escaped her.

“Aren’t you happy?” I rolled my eyes, but giggled at my familiar’s excitement.

“Don’t take too long. The food is going to get cold!” Marcus called out.

“TEN MINUTES,” Eli yelled back as we entered the house.

Didn’t take us long to reach Elias’ and Eli’s room. Her hand pressed on the knob, which began to glow, and the click indicated approval.

She walked in, closed the door before placing me lightly on my feet. Nightmare jumped off her shoulder, headed straight to the bed – a decorative, rectangle box awaited me; the green glittered wrapping was securely tied with a gold, silk ribbon.

“What’s that?” I asked, astonished by its beauty. I’d never seen a present in real life; only witnessed such delicacies in picture books when I was younger. I never got to celebrate my birthday or Christmas at the facility, so I’d sit alone in the library, stacking multiple books and pretending to host my own party – the piles of books my presents.

Eli walked towards it, lifting it in her arms before turning to face me; her expression filled with remorse.

“It’s for you Makoto. We decided our Princess deserved something from all of us, but I’m giving this first gift. It’s a little token of appreciation and is required for the events to come,” she confessed, blushing slightly.

“Can I open it?” I whispered; my body was hesitant, but wanted to unravel and reveal the contents held within.

“Of course.” She walked up to me, placed the medium sized box in my hand, and ushered me over to the bed to open it.

I shuffled over, trying to keep my composure as I began to open the box, making sure to be gentle, so I could save the beautiful wrapping and ribbon for safe keeping.

Nighty sat quietly next to the box; her tails wagged back and forth as she stared intently at the box. If it wasn’t for me attempting to open it, she looked as if she wanted to pounce on it.

I removed the final sheet of wrapping before opening the box, revealing something neon; my hands gripped the clear packaging and pulled it out.

I blinked back the tears that threatened to escape.

“This is...the clothes people wear when they go to a beach?” I questioned, glancing at Eli who nodded in agreement.

“This one is a bikini. It’s generally called a swimsuit or swim wear. It’s what female shifters wear to the beach. You can use it at the pool,” Eli explained.

“I can wear it now?” I asked, holding the two-piece, neon pink swimsuit to my chest.

“Of course,” she urged. I placed the package on the bed, Eli helped me fold the wrapping paper neatly, putting it in her drawer till I could take it back from her later.

I made my way to the washroom; Nighty walked in front of me, dragging the packaged swim suit in her mouth as she strolled towards the bathroom.

I quickly changed out of my clothes, putting the bikini on. The bikini was neon pink, outlined with black, the matching bottoms fit perfectly. It was always nice to find a pair of underwear that fit my butt cheeks, with only enough showing to not attract the world’s attention. I guessed swim bottoms could do the same. I was tying the back string of the bra, when Eli poked her head.

“Are you—” She announced but stopped; her eyes doubled in size as she took a slow glance of my body.

I hadn’t hidden my multiple markings; the thick swirls and lines wrapped around my legs, the blossom roses looked more vibrant. With most shifters, the majority of markings were one colour, but of course, I had to be the odd ball and have different variations – the blossomed, red roses were vibrant against my pale legs.

My other markings cradled my waist, stopping just under the bra. My final marking was on my biceps, usually hidden by most clothing or due to my magic – the dark blue circles intersected with one another in a repeated manner. I’d left my hair down; the loose brown locks were still curly from Daniel’s morning hair service.

“Uh...are you supposed to feel, well, naked in these things?” I questioned as my faced flushed at her obvious display of attraction.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Eli opened the door, walking in.

My eyes widened as I took in her figure, my heart skipped a beat. From her small boobs, the black swimsuit cradled them perfectly, to her markings on her chest and left leg. Her curves were perfectly portioned, and her height made her look like a swimsuit model in those magazines.

I attempted to ignore the sensations that flowed through me as I continued to blink at her, trying to find words.
