Page 79 of Tainted Rose

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Nightmare jumped around us before leaping to the side table. She flicked the switch, the light going out and jumped back down and onto the bed, taking a spot next to our feet before she settled.

I glanced down at my demon knight, my heart felt sad for him. What did he dream about to cause such a reaction?

“Anya’s death anniversary’s coming up,”Rose confessed.

How do you know?I didn’t remember Ryder mentioning it, so I was intrigued as to how Rose knew about it.

“Stryker told me. We chat sometimes when you two are both asleep,”Rose admitted.

No wonder I felt extra drowsy in the morning. I didn’t mind them having their quiet time together, needing to connect after all these cycles.

“Let’s not pressure him to tell us what’s happening. When he’s ready to reveal what’s going on, we’ll be here to comfort him and Stryker.”

I nodded; my hand brushed through Ryder’s black locks. I leaned down, kissing his forehead before I closed my eyes; my head relaxed against the headboard.

Is this how it feels to watch your loved ones in pain?It reminded me of all the times I woke up in tears, my own nightmares haunting me before one of the boys would shake me awake. No questions were asked. They simply pulled me into their warm embrace and soothed me to sleep. I wanted to do the same, to just accept the reality we all faced.

We all had our inner demons. I just prayed Ryder knew I was here for him just as he’s always been there for me in my time of need.

I fell back asleep.

* * *

“A fairy.”

“No, Mako. Just give up already.”

I let out a frustrated groan, staring intently at the mystical woman who stood in the backyard; her astonishing vibrant hair shimmered in the sunlight. The ombre colour hair – a vibrant pink morphing into a vivid lavender purple – was enough to distract me for days.

She was six-three, her heels made her a whopping six-five, which I called model worthy. The Starlight gods blessed her abundantly with large breasts and a small, round butt, her waist portioned well to match her figure.

She wore a gold dress, the material adorned with miniature diamonds at the bottom. Her two-inch heels were silver with a thick heel. I guess with the traveling she couldn’t wear those stick like shoes Eli had. I had no idea how anyone could walk in those all day long, let alone fight in them.

She carried a silver wand in her hand; the small delicacy was engraved with pink, purple and gold flowers that swirled around its surface. It reminded me of my scythe, making me curious as to whether her wand was merely a weapon or her familiar in disguise.

The most eye-catching, jaw-dropping characteristic, besides her extravagant chest was her silver eyes – the large orbs filled with knowledge and wisdom, just at a glance. I couldn’t wait to take a closer look at them.

“But, I mentioned everything!” I complained, turning my head back to Eli. I gave up my attempt to spy on their conversation through the gap I’d created, with the transparent sliding door in the living room.

Eli had placed a glamour on us so Matthew and this new arrival, Winterlya as the boys called her, couldn’t see us. We had planned to listen to whatever they discussed. I guess they’d thought ahead, their conversation made no sense as the words were jumbled together.

Fool proof, great.

“You mentioned five spirits out of the possible hundreds of spirits out there. That’s not everything.” Eli sighed, crossing her arms as she stared down at me. She wore green sweatpants and a yellow tank top.

I frowned at her scrutiny, standing up from my kneeling position, before brushing off any dirt from my borrowed sweatpants, courtesy of Ryder. Kai had snuck in and took all our laundry, leaving me with no spare clothes, so I kidnapped a pair of sweats and a crop top that was hidden in a bunch of his shirts. I had a hunch Elias had hid the top in his clothes on purpose.

Ryder hadn’t brought up the nightmare, but woke me up with a passionate kiss that made my toes curl and my body yearn for more than just those addicting lips. If it wasn’t for the meeting he had with the headmaster, followed by a pit stop at the castle, his mother had called for him, we would have taken it to the next level.

I wondered if I’d get to meet the King and Queen of Minato. I didn’t know if I’d even be allowed; regardless of my relationship with Ryder, it didn’t calm my curiosity. I got the feeling Ryder didn’t have a strong connection with his family, besides from Anya who was a part of the stars.

I pondered whether her kidnapping and death had impacted their family bond, or had it always been that way? And I worried if my kidnapping had done the same to my own family.

“Well, if she’s not a fairy, then what is she?” I looked over my shoulder to glare at Eli, my hands still against the door; it slid to the side, causing me to shriek as I stumbled forward – right into someone’s arms, their chest cushioned the impact. The wintergreen fragrance surrounded me as I looked up; my wide eyes met a pair of silver ones – those grey like irises looked like they were filled with multiple stars, twinkling away in whatever galaxy they reigned.

So majestic...I want silver eyes like that.

She smiled.
