Page 82 of Tainted Rose

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I turned my head in the direction of the sound, my eyes squinted to try and make out the blurred figures.

What’s the commotion about?

I looked down to see black hands poking out of the soil below; my body grew stiff at the reminder of my nightmare – the hands that dragged me into darkness.

I didn’t dare move as the hands began to rise; the scream that begged to escape me was caught in my throat as I was frozen in place.

“Winter! Is that supposed to happen?” Eli’s voice panicked.

I wanted to look up to see what was happening, but I couldn’t glance away, in fear I’d lose track of the frigid cold hands that crawled across my skin.

It’s just a test. A simple test, to rid me of the darkness. It’s probably just an illusion. Yes, an illusion.

My self-talking fell on deaf ears as I tried to sense my spirits, their presence suddenly gone. Now, I began to panic. I tried to move my body, but the hands were already around my waist; my hands clenched.

The crippling cold made me shiver as my teeth began to chatter. It felt as if my blood cooled – my breathing became rapid as I struggled for oxygen. I heard banging against the barrier and Eli’s frantic voice, but everything faded; the darkness now reached higher, the thick slime like substance rubbed against the mark on my chest – the mark of my Owner.

That’s when the pain began. Agonizing, crippling pain that forced a scream out of me. This wasn’t like anything I’d felt – nowhere close to the electrifying shocks that had soared through me during our trial sessions or the pain that bore through me when I saw Lily’s head detached from her little body. This pain could kill, and I was dying.

I knew what dying felt like, my heart stopped on a number of occasions during those intense trials prior to Midnight’s awakening. Death crept around me, but someone always stopped him from taking me away; the woman with the long, strawberry pink hair came to my aid before I awakened in a jolt as the assigned scientist removed the shocking pads.

The darkness was at my neck now, my body unable to move as I continued to scream from the pain, tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Makoto, endure it. You need to embrace this side of you. Give the darkness a chance.”

The unfamiliar voice begged; I struggled to open my eyes, my surroundings no longer the open valley, but pitch black. The only sign of life was the woman before me – the woman who always saved me from death row.

“But it hurts! How is this a part of me! The darkness is evil, isn’t it?” I cried to her, wishing she’d understand the immense pain I was in.

“Darkness is nothing but an element. Just as there’s light, such a part of nature assumed to be good and everlasting, there is darkness. My child, only humans and shifters believe that Darkness is bad or evil. It’s wrong to make such judgments. Darkness can be used for good with the right intentions. Just as light, water, fire and the other elements can be used to cause destruction and devastation to our lands.”

“But if you’re here, it means I’m dying. You always show up when I’m dead,” I argued, trying to wrap my frantic thoughts around her words of wisdom. Her mismatched turquoise and pink eyes reminded me of my familiar, wishing she was here with me.

The woman smiled.

“You’ve taken care of me when you could barely walk and even after all these cycles, you’ve shown the same compassion with no knowledge or memory of my existence. The least I can do is save you from my father’s clutches. It’s not your time Rosalina, my sweet Mako. But your spirit needs to be fully awakened, or it will overpower you and my Father will have no choice but to claim your soul,” she explained, frowning as the last words left her; her sadness apparent.

“Night...mare?” I questioned. I struggled to breathe; my body grew cold as the darkness reached my face; already covering my hair and neck.

“In time, I’ll explain, but this needs to occur, or Midnight will do more harm than good. For Midnight, Makoto, accept the darkness. Such admission will reward you with power and clarity. I’ll be by your side when you wake.” She finished, her image faded away as the darkness covered my face, my breathing stopped.

Accept the darkness...for Midnight. I accept.



“MAKOTO!” I screamed her name as the thick, dark sludge covered her whole.

I heard the others frantic voices through the bond we shared, but I muted it, my concentration needed to be focused on Mako.

I was ready to launch myself forward, my power erupted in me as I began to shift. A wave of power hit me, strong enough it lifted me off my feet; my body landed on the grass a few feet away.

I blinked in shock, as the powerful waves kept coming.

Winterlya stepped in front of me; her hand spread out as a silver magic circle emerged, shielding us from the ongoing, burst of power.

“Winter. What’s going on?” I screamed through the bashing wind, the power that hit us only became stronger.
