Page 94 of Tainted Rose

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“Whatever you like Princess. Now a double-sided dildo is…”



Ifinished my glass of chocolate milk, my hair was still air drying from the cold shower I had taken after that detailed, descriptive lesson.

Talk about SEX 101 for female lovemaking.

I wasn’t even going to question how Marcus’ dragon spirit –Ryuu,knew all that information.

It was nice to finally learn his name after already meeting him once before.

Ryuu was apparently Japanese fordragon spirit. When I looked into his eyes, I could see the wisdom he carried in those red-orange globes, the two-toned colour always reminded me of fire.

He answered every single sex question I had – as if he was a sex education professor. I was impressed by his vast knowledge, and he didn’t make the conversation feel awkward, even with him being a male. He encouraged me to take a shower seeing as Ryder would be back soon, and Marcus would probably fall asleep due to his lengthened stay.

I thanked him for his lesson, leaving Eli’s room, after I finished the book and placed it back in its slot on Eli’s hentai shelf. I made a mental note to find where book two was when she wasn’t in her room, wanting to know what happened in their relationship.

Who knew Yuri manga could be so intriguing?

I turned around to face the empty kitchen and living room, the last of the sun’s rays disappeared along the horizon; the stars began to make their appearance in the purple-blue sky.

Daniel was still at Knightwood, mentioning that he wanted to get some training done and he’d be back in the earlier hours. Marcus decided to tag along and stated he’d “watch” from the sidelines. From the way his eyes drooped and having yawned five times before leaving, I really doubted he’d last three minutes before dozing off.

Kai and EliaseAnne were nowhere to be found; Eli broke at least seven glasses in her outburst. I think they were both hiding, not wanting to deal with Daniel’s lecture. I bet Elias had already given Eli her portion of annoyance; he hated when Eli broke a glass.

Ryder still hadn’t returned, leaving me alone. Midnight and the others were asleep, exhausted from today’s events. It was the first time I’d experienced true loneliness. It didn’t feel like the darkness I’d felt when I was in a coma, but I did notice the gripping sadness in my heart.

Funny how in such a short period of time, I’d learned to depend on having so many people around me, compared to the cycles I was left alone to defend and care for myself. I had to remind myself that there were going to be times where I’d be alone. I couldn’t always have the boys or Eli by my side.

I heard a click, followed by the door opening and closing. I turned to see Ryder – a very disturbed looking Ryder. I stood there blinking at him as he walked past, headed straight to the library. The door closed shut, silence followed.

I frowned. Well shit, he didn’t even notice me.

“Something must have happened,”Rose’s sleepy voice whispered as her presence faded away from my mind, returning to sleep. As tired as I was, I couldn’t sleep knowing Ryder was in that state.

I decided to wait an hour – wanting to give him some alone time before checking on him.

Ryder had been busy non-stop this past week, going from meeting to meeting with the headmaster, Matthew, and Karen or Winterlya. He still wanted to continue his meditation sessions while he dealt with family issues. He wouldn’t give me all the details, usually rushing out after sleeping in or quietly walking into his room when I was already asleep, but when he had a second or two to spare, he explained he was assisting his mom in preparation of Anya’s celebration of life ceremony.

They had never discovered Anya’s remains, all leads in finding the purple-eyed, demon shifter went cold after the five-cycle mark, the case had been dismissed. It was assumed she’d died in the facilities. There would be no way to find her remains even if they narrowed down which facility she had been taken to.

Once you met your fate at the facility, your body was burned, and ashes were thrown into the toilet – flushed away to wherever the stream of water led. There was no ceremony or moment of mourning. Shifter’s died every day and that was how life went on.

I noticed the change in him – the nightmares hadn’t stopped since my surprise party. They only worsened as the days went by.

I began to worry about him. He was only getting a maximum of five hours sleep; constantly waking up from the nightmares began to give him dark circles.

The others looked just as worried, but Kai informed me that it was his usual behavior when Anya’s death anniversary approached.

He had to keep himself busy or things didn’t go well. I was fine with that and tried my best to support him when I could and not ask questions. I just wanted him to take care of himself more and not go over his limit.

An hour went by rather quickly, faster than I expected before I walked to the library door, knocking lightly on the door before I entered. I peeked inside, my eyes immediately went to the corner chair in the room – Ryder sat in his usual chair, his face in his hands as he rested his elbows on his knees.

My heart sank at his troubled appearance, aching to comfort him. I closed the door quietly, before making my way to his sitting figure.

I could see the tension in his body; the light tremble was enough to tell me how bad the situation was. I knelt down before him. I didn’t want to touch him just yet, in fear he’d flinch due to the tiny possibility he didn’t hear my entrance.
