Page 12 of Undeniable

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“I wish we knew what that was,” Alek whispers in wonder. “It feels like a bad omen of things to come.”

“Let’s hope not.” I pull out the handkerchief Jack gave me last night and wipe the sweat and grime from my face with it. “Maybe it’s a good thing instead.”

Alek scoffs. “I never took you for a blind optimist, Ivy. Don’t start now. It makes you appear foolish.”

“I’m no fool,” I defend.

“Exactly. We need to figure out what it means and prepare for the worst.”

Alek strides off to check on his men. Half of them are lying on the ground already taking naps while the others are scattered around, resting wherever they can.

Jack walks over to stand beside me.

“Do you think we’re moving fast enough?” I ask him as I turn to eye what still remains blocking the entrance. “It barely looks like we’ve made a dent in it.”

“As long as we keep chipping away, we’ll get through,” he says with more optimism than I feel.

I look back at Alek’s men. “As long as they can keep helping, maybe we can reach the others by tomorrow.”

“Maybe,” Jack agrees.

“I assume there’s no way Emily can help us,” I say in a low voice. “Does she watch what goes on here?”

“Yes, but she won’t interfere unless she deems it absolutely necessary. Everything that happens in this world is closely monitored and if she meddles too much, the world will be forfeit.”

“Do you mean destroyed?”

Jack nods. “Only humanity is allowed to save itself.”

“That’s a stupid rule,” I grumble. “I suppose it’s one your grandfather made.”

“He’s your great-grandfather, so keep that in mind. We’re both related to the asshole.”

I can’t stop myself from chuckling. “Please tell me that being an asshole doesn’t run in the family.”

Jack sighs. “I wish I could, but since I’m one too, your chances of inheriting asshole-itis is fifty-fifty at this point.”

This time I truly laugh, causing Jack to join me.

“Thanks,” I say. “I needed that considering the situation.”

“You’re welcome. You know,” he eyes me thoughtfully, “you laugh like her.”

I return his look with a curious one. “Like who?”

“Your mother.” He smiles wanly. “She could light up the world with her laughter. I wish you could have known her.”

“Me too.”

“Hey!” one of Damon’s men shouts, pointing to the blocked entrance. “I think I see a hand.”

There among the rubble is a hand jutting out of a small hole five feet up.

I know that hand. I would recognize it anywhere.

“Damon!” I run up the small hill made by the fallen stones. I grab his hand and squeeze it tightly. He returns the squeeze but lets me go and pulls his hand back through.

“Ivy!” he shouts through the hole. “Is that you?”
