Page 16 of Undeniable

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“Can the resurrected be killed?” I whisper, not wanting Iris to overhear my question.

“Of course, we can,” she answers, having heard me anyway. “It just takes a good fire and the willingness to be burned alive.”

This time it’s my turn to gasp. I look at her over my shoulder to see if she’s joking, but her steady gaze and stone-cold expression tells me she isn’t.

“It’s the main reason most of us opt out of being resurrected,” Winn explains. “It’s a horrible death to watch, and one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”

When the airship lands in the clearing behind the castle, Oberon lets go of my hand as we get ready to disembark.

“What are you going to tell your father?” he asks me. “I’m sure he’ll question why you were on my ship last night.”

“Don’t worry.” I stand and smooth out my dirty, torn dress. “I’ll handle my father. Just return as soon as you can so we can get married and take his power away from him.”

“That eager to get me into bed, are you?” he chuckles.

“That ready to take the throne and finally do what’s right,” I reply. “Taking you to bed is just a bonus.”

The look of shock on Oberon’s face makes me laugh and lifts some of the weight off my shoulders.

“My, my, Princess Emily,” he shakes his head, “youarefull of surprises.”

“You’ll have a lifetime to discover them all, if you dare,” I tease.

“Oh, I dare,” Oberon’s eyes twinkle with amusement, “and I look forward to every minute of our marital bliss.”

“Marital bliss,” Iris scoffs as we file out of the airship. “There’s no such thing.”

“Don’t tell Uri that.” Oberon glances at his sister over his shoulder. “He’s still waiting for your answer to his proposal.”

“Shut up,” Iris grumbles. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Proposal of marriage?” I ask in surprise.

“You don’t have to sound so shocked,” Iris says defensively.

“Don’t pay her any mind.” Oberon takes my hand as we wait for the door to the airship to lower. “She gets offended easily these days, especially when you mention the man in her life.”

“He’s not the man in my life.”

“But he wants to be. Stop being so damn stubborn, Iris. If you would let yourself admit it, you would realize you want him as much as he wants you.”

“Oh, I’ve had him in several different ways and positions.” Iris smirks.

“That’s something I certainly didn’t need to know,” Winn says, shaking her head at Iris’s bluntness.

“I don’t mean physically,” Oberon says. “I’m talking about emotionally. Give in to what you really want and move on with your life.”

“What life?” Iris sighs. “I have no life to give him.”

“You were given a second chance to live, little sister. Don’t squander it.”

By this time, the door has lowered. Oberon leads me down the steps. From the rear of the castle, my mother and father walk out to greet us. Two lines of guards march on either side of them, making a formidable show of force.

“Do you think your father is worried I’ll try to strangle him for sabotaging my ship?” Oberon asks me, appearing amused that my father has brought out so many guards to protect him from him.

“He’s probably more afraid of your sister since she’s the superior fighter.”

Iris snickers as she stands on the other side of her brother. Winn maintains an appropriate distance behind us since she would be considered a servant in my father’s eyes. It’s the safest place for her in case things end up going sideways between the two kings.
