Page 38 of Undeniable

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Emily looks off to the side as if she’s listening to someone I’m unable to see.

“Are you sure?” she asks in surprise. She seems to get an answer from this unseen person she’s with in the real world. “Okay, okay, I trust your judgment in this instance even if I don’t completely trustyou.” Emily returns her attention to me. “Ivy, you have fae magic inside you. That’s what you’re feeling. From what we can tell, you’re a natural geomancer.”

“A . . . what?” I ask, trembling uncontrollably as sweat begins to pour down my brow and burn my eyes.

“Geomancers construct worlds like this one. What have you done so far with your magic?”

“Blown rocks up,” I say, feeling strangely calmer than before.

“Yes,” she says as one of the floating rocks around me explodes, “I can see that. Well, it’s not necessarily the best start to things, but we can work on that. First, you need to calm your mind. Fae magic is tightly bound to our emotions. If you can place a tight rein on what you’re feeling, youwillbe able to control your powers. Can you do that for me?”

“I’ll try.”

I take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. I do this a few times, but it doesn’t calm me. If anything, I feel more frustrated.

“Think about something you love,” Emily says. “Try to remember a moment in time where all seemed right in the world.”

Instantly, a picture of me lying in bed when I was a little girl comes to mind. Boris is sitting on the edge of my mattress telling me a tall tale filled with adventure and brave people who fight against evil to save the world. Who am I? Am I the hero of this story or the villain? Deep down, I know the choice is mine to make.

I choose to be a hero.

My heartbeat slows as my blood cools. A wave of clarity reenters my mind, setting my thoughts straight and bringing me back to reality. I get off my hands and knees and sit in front of Emily.

“Thank you,” I tell her. “How did you know I needed your help?”

Emily looks off to her side again. “Oh, a grumpy old bird told me.” When her eyes meet mine again, she seems concerned. “Once the trials are over, we can figure out a way to help you control your power. Until then, keep it at bay. It’s too dangerous for you to use unsupervised. You could do more harm than good with it.”

I reach out to touch her arm, but my hand glides through air.

“I wish I was with you, my girl, but we’ll be together soon. I have to leave you now but know that you are being watched over.”

Emily disappears before I can ask her for her help to find Damon and the others.

I stand from my seat and turn my gaze to those behind me.

Fear is what I see in the faces before me. Only one pair of eyes dare to meet mine.

Boris strides over to me over the rubble I made and pulls me into his arms.

“I don’t know what just happened,” he says. “And if you want to tell me you can, or we can just hold one another like this.”

“Just hold me.” A bubble of emotions overcome me, but this time I have them under control.

I don’t know what will happen next, but I do know Boris will be there to help me figure everything out.

Chapter 9

(Damon’s Point of View)

Being at the mercy of a flying beast was not what I was expecting to happen today. As soon as the creature’s claws dug into my shoulders, I knew there would be no escape. Even as I watched Ivy run toward me, screaming my name, the certainty of my fate had already been sealed. Now, as I hang from the giant bat’s talons, all I can do is suffer through the pain and wait to find out what it has planned for me.

As we fly through the sky, I see four other bats all flying in the same direction. The mountain we climbed up that day passes beneath us as our abductors head toward the top of another mountain within the same range. We only travel for a few minutes before the bats swoop down and drop us all on the top of this new mountain. I end up landing on my back, causing it to crack and not in a good way. Groans of pain from my fellow captives surround me.

Nahla and Oliver are the first ones I see when I’m able to roll onto my side. When I look behind them, I see Alek rolling over onto his back, breathing heavily.

“Is everyone all right?” I ask, even though my own injuries are causing me to feel nauseous.

Nahla laughs harshly. “If you’re asking if I’m alive, then the answer is yes, but I’m certainly not all right.”
