Page 48 of Undeniable

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“I was thinking that too.” Nahla surveys the area around us, swatting her hand at an irritating fly. “It’s like we have a thousand eyes watching our every move.”

“We’re fine. You two worry too much,” Alek says, but I’m not sure if he’s trying to reassure us or himself.

“Maybe you should leave that diamond somewhere so they can have it back,” Oliver suggests.

“I have a feeling we’re past that point,” I say, noticing how quiet the surrounding forest has become. No birds are chirping. No frogs are croaking. I don’t even hear a cricket scraping its wings together. “We have to keep going. It’s our only hope.”

Precious time is wasted trying to slog our way through the bog, but once we reach the other side, I understand why our pursuers forced us in this direction.

When we reach the other side and start to make our way through the forest, a dozen or more long shadows block our way. The scent of rotten meat and body odor fills the air. One of the shadows steps out into a shaft of sunlight streaming through the overhead branches.

The man has to be close to ten feet tall. He wears a tanned animal hide around his waist like a sarong. Tattooed on his chest is an undulating snake from navel to the base of this throat. His skin is a light shade of brown and his hair is a wild mess with streaks of mud making it difficult to tell what its natural color is supposed to be.

“We come in peace.” I hold my hands in the air and take two steps forward. “What is it that you want from us?”

The man practically ignores me as he keeps his eyes locked on Alek.

“Give him back his diamond,” Nahla whispers to her partner in pirating, “and tell him you’re sorry. Maybe he’ll let us go then.”

“We don’t even know if that’s what these people want,” Alek argues.

“Why else would they be chasing us?” Oliver asks, clearly irritated with Alek’s greed.

“Maybe they’re cannibals and what they really want is to eat us,” Alek suggests before thinking better of that idea. “Scratch that. Why don’t we just make a run for it?”

“Do you see how tall they are?” Nahla asks, keeping a wary eye on the strangers. “We would never be able to outrun them. Our best option is to see what they want, give it to them, and run like hell.”

“Why are the others lurking in the shadows?” Oliver asks.

“I think they’re waiting for their orders.” I turn my full attention back to the leader of the group of giants. “Do you,” I say pointing to him, “understand me?” I point to myself.

“I understand,” the man says in a gruff voice. “You have stolen from us. Give back our offering to the Snake.”

“See.” Nahla backhands Alek in the gut. “He wants his diamond back, you fool. Give it up or so help me, Alek, I’ll cut your balls off myself.”

“You don’t have to be so dramatic about it,” Alek grumbles before plunging his hand in his pocket and pulling out the diamond that he stole. He looks at the man and holds up his prize. “Is this what you want?”

The man nods curtly. Alek tosses him the diamond and the man catches it with one beefy hand.

“Can we go now?” I ask. “We’ve returned what was taken and would like to rejoin the people we’re traveling with.”

The man looks straight at Alek. “No. A sacrifice must be made to the Snake. The one who stole must pay the price or all will be killed.”

A noise in the muddy bog behind us draws my attention. More people dressed like the man and just as big block our escape.

“You can’t be serious,” Alek says as the weight of our situation finally dawns on him.

“Is there any other way we can make his theft up to you?” I ask but I have a sinking feeling Alek’s fate may be set.

“The Snake requires a sacrifice,” the man says, pounding his chest with a fist. “Only then will it fix our home.” He stares Alek down. “You brought the fire rain. You must pay.”

“I’m not paying with my life,” Alex protests. “You’ve lost your mind if you think I’m going with you willingly.”

“You go or all die.” The man roars the last word, making his voice echo against the trees.

The giants move in closer, making escape in any direction impossible.

“Alek,” Nahla says with a hand on her friend’s arm, “there’s no way all of us can get out of this alive.”
