Page 36 of Love Me, Goaltender

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“Yeah. I even became friends with some of their girlfriends because they knew I wasn’t trying to steal their boyfriends. It was weird, but it worked, so I just rolled with it. And it’s still working now. None of the guys here or in Seattle has ever tried to flirt with me. I have yet to get a question from the press about which teammate I think is cutest or who has the best ass or biggest dick.”

Kingston’s lip twitched. “Berk has the biggest dick.”

Laughter burst out of my chest suddenly, and I stopped pacing to throw Kingston a smirk. “Onthisteam, sure, but Marcus Castillo would put himto shame.”


“Oh, yeah. I accidentally got a peek in Seattle and was honestly terrified.” My laughter turned into light chuckles as I remembered Mason’s reaction when Itold him.


“Of course. I don’t look at teammates in the lock—” I stopped short, remembering why I was at Kingston’s house in the first place. He noticed my pause, of course, and shoved off the couch to stand straight, dropping his arms tohis side.

“Except for me.”

I didn’t say a thing.

There was about eight feet separating us, and while Kingston didn’t step any closer, the air between us shrank until it was as if he was standing inches away, watching every flicker of my eye or twitch of my face. “Are you into me, Warren?”

I grimaced at my feet.Fuck.

“You are,” he said. It wasn’t aquestion.

I talked to my black Louboutin pumps, focusing on my pink-painted toes that peeked out the front instead of the immovable force in front of me. “Don’t worry. We can go back to being teammates. I didn’t mean to drag you into this. I’m sure you’ve had to deal with shit like this before. You don’t need to let me down easy. My feelings willgo away.”

“Let you down easy? Why would Ido that?”

My chin dug into my chest. I guessed he did need to make this a little painful. Make sure he didn’t leave me with any hope. I understood. Bracing,I waited.

When he next spoke, his voice was closer than before. I was so startled by the deep rumbling of his voice that it took me a second to register what he said. “I likeyou too.”

I snapped my head up. He had moved closer, and his grey eyes pierced my soul from only a couple feet away. “Wha—what did you say? Are you fucking with me right now? Because that’s cruel.”

He threw his hands up in exasperation. “Of course, I’m not fucking with you, Warren! I would neverdo that.”

I squinted at him. No, he wouldn’t do that, would he? I hadn’t known him that long, but I knew he would never be that cruel. He was serious. He liked me. Like helikedliked me. The second I thought it, I wanted to smack myself. What was wrong with me? Was I going to ask him to hold my hand on the way to the bus next? Leave a note in his locker? Checkyes or no.

He continued. “Ever since that first fucking game. Anybody else would have quit, then and there. Hell,Iprobably would have, but you just kept on smiling. We threw you to the wolves, but you didn’t care. You were having fun. I honestly wasn’t sure if you were just taunting us or if you were actually fucking crazy.”

“Did you come to a conclusion?” Even in my shock, I couldn’t help teasing him.

“I’m pretty sure it was a little bitof both.”

“It was. You bunch of assholes didn’t even know. I would have faced down SEAL team six on skates if it meant I got to play onthat ice.”

And I meant it. Playing by myself was amazing. I played against a whole team of NHL players all by myself. I definitely wasn’t fantastic, letting in more than a few pucks, but it would probably be one of the defining moments of my career. I didn’t know if I could evertop that.

“Well, it was damn hot. You just stared me down, all sweaty and worn out but still smiling. I swear I got hard in the middle of the ice.” Most guys would have been ashamed to admit that, but Kingston looked like he was reveling in the memory.

I snorted. “Well, sorry about that.”

He finally closed the last of the distance between us until we stood chest to chest in the middle of his living room, my heels allowing our eyes to meet on an equal level. “You should be. You’ve been driving me insane this past week. I thought I was losing it. Sometimes I could have sworn that you were flirting with me, but I knew you couldn’t have been. I was so confused and half convinced that I was hallucinating the looks you gave me. I mean, you didn’t like men, and I was trying so damn hard to not be a creep. It’s borderline impossible when you wear those tiny fucking panties in the locker room though. Or when you chirp at me over ice cream. Or kiss me in elevators. It’s impossible not to fallfor that.”

The grey orbs that were always stone on the ice, full of determination, were now filled with desire. My breath hitched. We shouldn’t be doing this. We wereteammates.

I leaned toward him as if pulled by gravity. He caught me by the waist, just like he did in the elevator then … nothing. Our lips paused inches apart, breaths heaving between us. He was waiting for me. This would have to be mydecision.

I gripped his biceps in desperation, fighting for one more second, then gave in and plunged my hands into his hair. I pulled him to me, and we clashed together, mouths greeting each other as if they had missed being separate for so long.
