Page 66 of Love Me, Goaltender

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“I’m a quick study. With the great coaches I had and all the free ice time at my parents’ rink, I practically improved overnight. Before I knew it, I was gettingdrafted.”

Yeah, in the first round. I almost snorted.Wasa prodigy, my ass. He still was one. If he had the motivation for it, he could have been the best sniper in the damn league. As it was, he was already on his way to the hall of fame. Well … maybe not anymore. I didn’t know what his final numbers were. No matter what, his retirement was a loss to allof hockey.

At least I was finally beginning to understand Sebastian more. All his weird pieces were starting to fit together, and I could see him.

“That’s why you never became captain!” Irealized.

“Yeah. Management kept on offering, but it seemed disrespectful to lead awhole team when I didn’t share their love for their game. So I recommended Jones. We were drafted together, and he is just as good as me, but he loves the game. Just as much as you do.”

I remembered Jones’ smile in the hallway. He was happy for Sebastian. “Jones wasn’t surprised that you’re retiring. Didhe know?”

Sebastian smiled fondly. “Yeah. After our first game together, he invited me out for a drink and asked me why I looked so miserable on the ice. We talked for a while and have been with each other since then. He’s my Mason—my best friend and occasional therapist. He was the only one who saw me struggling.”

Damnit, I really was shitty at this whole dating thing. I couldn’t even tell when my boyfriend was unhappy. “I thought you were just focused. You’ve smiled a couple times on the ice. At least, I thoughtyou did.”

Sebastian took my hands in his, softly playing with my fingers. “I do, but only when I’mwith you.”


He gazed into my eyes, and I felt the sincerity in every one of his words. “Riley Warren, I’ve had more fun with you on the ice in the past few months than I’ve had in my entire career. I never realized how done I was with of all of this until I met you. You’ve brought me back to life, and I will do anything to keep you by my side. If I knewearlier that leaving this game, that I don’t love even a fraction as much as I love you, would have made our lives together easier, I would have retired the second Imet you.”

I couldn’t have stopped the smile on my face if I tried. How could I have been so stupid? I loved this man more than I could have ever loved my freaking career. I would give up everything for this man. There was no competition. I leaned my forehead against his, wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and closed my eyes.

“You okay, Riles?” Sebastian asked after a minute of silence.

I opened my eyes, completely content. “I love you so damn much.”

His grey eyes sparkled inches from mine. “I loveyou too.”

We held each other for a long moment, rocking back and forthslightly.

“Okay. Now what?” I asked.


“What are you going to do now?”

“Ehh. I figured I’d just bum around for a while, eating loads of sugar, not working out, and having sex with my girlfriend.”

“Oh. I like that idea.” I liked it a lot, but doubt tickled my mind. “Aren’t you going to miss hockey though?”

Sebastian hummed. “I guess so. I mean, I don’t love it as much as you—I don’t think anyone does. But you’ll still let me practice with you right?”

“Of course. I’ll take any opportunity to kickyour ass.”

“In your dreams, babe,” Sebastian said, then paused for a minute, sobering. “I think it’ll be impossible for me to not miss it. Hockey has been my entire life for decades. It’s all I know. This will be good for me though. I can finally find something that I’m passionate about. Maybe it’s drawing. Or pottery. Or something completely different. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano. Whatever it is, I’m excited to find it. I’ve never had a passion before.”

I knew he would be amazing at whatever he chose to do. He couldn’t not be. He was The King fora reason.

“Other than you, I mean,” Sebastian teased, and I had to kiss him for that. He was justtoo cute.

“Hey! Now we don’t have to hide anymore. We can finally go out on a date in public.” I was excited just thinking about it. I ’d never had a real relationship before.

“Actually, about that. I think we should wait a little bit before we come out with our relationship and your sexuality,” Sebastian hedged.

I cocked my head. “Why?”

He must have caught my doubts because his grip on me tightened. “I just want to make sure there isn’t going to be any major backlash on you.”
