Page 42 of Ice Queen

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“He’s successful, owns five companies in Europe, and is considering moving to Manhattan. I think that you would be the perfect person to show him the city.”

I took a bite and chewed slowly. “It sounds like a date.”

“If you want it to be a date, it’s a date.” He seemed so proud of himself, but the last thing I wanted to do was go on a date.

“Everleigh, it would really help with this acquisition. It doesn’t have to be a date, but you are the only person I trust to talk to this man candidly about our holdings. And if you hit it off, I can’t think of a more suitable man for my daughter.”

A lot more suitable than a twenty-three-year-old hockey player who drove around the city in a rusted out Eldorado. A player who was recently photographed with…

I didn’t even finish the thought.

“I’ll do it.”



Three weeks had passedsince the season opener, but the new player still hadn’t shown up. And until he did, I would keep my spot.

I zipped my jacket, tucking my chin into the collar. The October winds had a bite of cold to them, and the first leaves had started to fall in Central Park. Norman had graduated from a slow lope to a light trot, and we were able to go for longer walks.

Between pouring my heart into practice, hoping that Coach would override Everleigh’s decision to replace me, working out, and walking Norman, I’d started hanging out with Colton. It turns out practice is a lot more fun with friends.

“Sit, Norm.” I gave my dog the hand signal for ‘sit’ while we waited for Colton outside his building.

He jogged across the lobby, his bumbling new golden retriever puppy Wendel in tow. “Hi guys.” Colton grinned. Wendel found a patch of grass next to a tree and squatted to pee. “Good boy!” Colton fumbled to get a treat from his pocket to reward the pup. “You have no idea how many times he’s peed on my rug.”

I patted Norman. “This guy was ten when I rescued him. I missed out on all of those sleepless nights.”

“Listen to us.” Colton laughed. “We sound like a couple of new moms. If I’d have known how much work this was, I would’ve waited until the off-season to get a puppy.”

We headed down the street but couldn’t make it more than a block without someone squealing and making a big deal about the fluffy puppy. Norman sat on his haunches and looked up at me. I could swear he rolled his eyes. “Let’s hit a side street,” I suggested.

As we rounded the corner, Colton sighed. “I’m sorry, Gunnar.”

“Sorry?” I was confused and distracted by constantly trying to avoid stepping on Wendel. “About what?”

“You don’t deserve what they’re doing to you. You’re one of the best players in the league. It almost feels like Coach has got it out for you.”

I had to be careful. I knew that it wasn’t Coach who was ruining my life, it was his sister. “I’m just going to keep grinding, and hopefully he will change his mind.”

“Have you heard any rumors about who they’ve signed?” Colton asked.

“Not a thing. If anyone would know, it’s you.”

Colton laughed. “You would think. But I’m in the dark like the rest of you guys. I haven’t talked to Everleigh in weeks.”

My heart both dropped and clenched at the sound of her name. The love I’d felt for her was still there, but it had been smothered by hate for what she’d done to me. I’d been a fool for believing that she cared about anything other than herself or her family.

“She’s been dating some guy,” Colton continued.

I tried to pretend it didn’t feel like I’d been punched in the gut. “The Ice Queen dates?” I hoped it came off as a lighthearted comment – one that someone who didn’t give a shit would say.

“I know.” Colton laughed. “It’s some boring finance guy. I think they’re the only ones who can put up with her.”

“Good luck to him,” I muttered, trying my best not to sound bitter. “Relationships are too much work.”

Colton pulled a dog poop bag out of the dispenser on his leash. “That just means that you haven’t met the right woman. And trust me, when you stop wasting your time with bunnies, life just gets so much better.”
